Canon FD Prime telephotos...... Which one?

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I cant stretch to prime telephoto for the Nikon so thought I might get some for the old Canon A series.

Was wondering what peoples experiences are with various prime FD lenses?

i.e. 200mm f4, 200mm f2.8, 135mm f2.8, 300mm f4 etc etc

I wantr to try my hand at wildlife telephoto without breaking the bank......


Man i do like that 135!!

I have a 70-210 f4.5 tokina zoom but i dont like it so looking to get a similar long end tele. I think im comparing it to my modern day stuff lol! but either way i havent got any particularly good results with it.

Will look to see if i can find the 200mm and the 135.

The 135 would prob be more flexible, could couple with a TCx2 for a 270mm, the 200mm will be to dark.

Pending others opinions i will prob go for that! unless i can find a 200mm f2.8........
***I have a 70-210 f4.5 tokina zoom but i dont like it so looking to get a similar long end tele. I think im comparing it to my modern day stuff lol! but either way i havent got any particularly good results with it.**

Well I only have one Tokina 80-200mm f4 and with the canon 70-210 f4 would rate them just good.........Zooms that are cheap and very good that I have or used are:- Vivitar 75-150mm (made by Kiron) or Kiron 75-150mm and Kiron 80-200 f4.

****unless i can find a 200mm f2.8***

........and the price goes up for the better lens.
yeah true true, think i will look out for a good 200mm f4, or 135 f3.5

thanks for your help!

Another one worth looking out for is the Tokina 400mm F5.6 ATX, I have one and do use it on my T90 or F1 for birds.

It has a built in lens hood as well.

I have the Tokina 80-200mm F2.8 ATX as well, both these lenses are excellent in my opinion.