Help! Can't access classifieds

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Hi, I've been gone from the site (and photography in general)... thinking about getting some kit to restart the hobby but I don't seem to have access to the classifieds any more.
Please help! :)
@SteveA Hi, we have an automated rule that takes away Classifieds access if an account has not been active for some time, as part of our site cybersecurity policy. We've had a few instances of unused accounts being hacked and taken over through phishing attacks on the original owner. This has led to at least one case of someone trying to sell non-existent goods whilst pretending to be a longstanding TP member. We therefore like to see a number of meaningful posts on the site before reinstating access to the Marketplace section.
I'd also recommend ensuring that you have changed your password now you've re-engaged with TP, and please give consideration to enabling two factor authentication to protect your login.
All that said, it's good to have you back and please make the most of the site in terms of discussion, image sharing and joining in the challenges that we are running.
Thanks for the info, I had just logged back in and has been wondering the same.

Do you disclose the threshold for the automated access to the MarketPlace or do we just get involved and wait?

Thanks for the clarification. Just came back and was looking for this. I second the question on what it takes to reinstate, any updates?
The reinstatement isn't automatic - we did look into doing this but it requires tricky coding that we can't really implement. So it's just a case of joining in and then contacting us again when you think you've earned it - the initial requirement is 30 meaningful posts, we aren't necessarily looking for that but it would be nice to see more interest in the site beyond the classifieds.