canvas print appears patchy and 'wet'

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ordered a stretched canvas print (low key so mainly black background) and was advised to get it 'matte coated for protection', came back framed and coated but it appears still wet in patches (it can't be wet, i've had it for 2 days here and still exactly the same, it's slightly tacky to the touch but not wet) - does anyone know what this is, and more importantly, how it might be remedied?

Any advice greatly appreciated


Never happened to me so can't advise, but 2 days*! That really should have been dry after 15 minutes.
Totally unacceptable .....

Bin it and chalk it down to experience ... order from a reputable firm - try

Fantastic quality
Oxford images are also brilliant value and quality.
If the supplier is decent company they should do a reprint, they should not be tacky. I get my clients canvas wraps with a matt coating and are never tacky to touch. Once I had a problem with tiny crystals on the coating, which were removed by a baby wipe. They were happy to do a replacement if the crystals came back.

The trick is to find a quality supplier you can trust, I am very happy with mine and can trust the craftsmanship.