ChatGPT for Photographers (time limited video: 7 days)

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This is an interesting video, but only available for 7 days ( I think , it doesn't actually say but previous ones have been removed after a few days). These are videos produced for paid up members of the "f64 Academy" run by Blake Edwards. I'm not a member.

The blurb says:

"We often discuss AI in Photography in terms of tools and image generation. However, there is another form of AI that can really help you with your photography. It’s not talked about nearly enough, but I can tell you that I use it almost daily, and the tasks it has helped me with have made it invaluable.Chat GPT is an AI chatbot that can help you with anything. I know because I use it for everything! In this live event, I’ll show you how you can use Chat GPT to help you with brainstorming, post-processing, and so much more. While everyone is raving about generative AI, Chat GPT flies under the radar. Let’s peal back the curtain a bit so you can see how powerful it is for yourself!"


I found this both fascinating and scary. (It's about 50 mins long)

In the video he uploads photographs to ChatGPT, which gives detailed technical and aesthetic critiques of them, including how they might be improved. For one of his images, you can see ChatGPT suggesting precise photoshop slider settings for the uploaded file. This comes "built in" with the paid for version of ChatGPT

He also mentions how he uses ChatGPT for other aspects of his business (based on building his own ChatGPTs), and how his panel programer built his own ChatGPT to fault find and write program code.

It's a long watch, I think a bit less than half is a Q&A at the end, but for me, it was a bit of eyeopener and worth the watch.

Blake Edwards, for those who aren't aware of him, produces panels/plugins/actions and training for Photoshop. Although, many might think of him as a seller of panels and plugins. his real value comes from the training videos than come with the panels, which have been worth the money for me.

By coincidence, AlexOnRaw (who sells training courses and styles for Capture One) has just released a ChatGPT Capture One "assistant"

"This is your personal Capture One assistant, capable of answering professional questions and sharing the best Capture One tricks and image editing techniques. I have trained this bot on hundreds of my tutorials, so it knows much more about Capture One than the regular ChatGPT. Just type in your question, and the bot will generate a detailed step-by-step guide to help you with your query.Now for the most exciting part: Capture One Expert Bot is available completely free of charge! The bot is based on ChatGPT, so you only need a free ChatGPT account."

There is a video about it here (I've not watched it yet)
