Cheap C41 Processing

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I mainly shoot BnW and home process my own film and originally when I decided to get back into film I only wanted to shoot BnW.

However since making the decision to take a step back from digital I have found out how much I missed the feel of using film in all respects.

I have now shot a number of rolls of colour which I originally thought I would also home process but have since figured out that because of the small amount of C41 that I use, home processing for this would not be economically viable.

Reading through various posts here I looked into Peak Imaging and Transpacolor and was going to go with Transpacolor as they offer a process only service at only £4.20/36 EXP 35mm roll plus the P&P of course.

Today though, while passing a framing shop that advertises film processing in my local town, I thought I would pop in and ask them for their prices and I must admit, I was astounded to say the least.

Only £2.50 per roll process only, no printing, next day service and obviuosly no P&P.

It just made me think of how easily I would have missed this as I seem to have become more reliant on the internet and distance transactions without first seeing what is right outside my front door.

I will still be using Transpacolor for 120 film as my local does not process this.

It would be great to hear if any other film toggers use local processors and if they can beat £2.50/Roll. :D

I also get it done at asda, I usualy get a CD at the same time and use it as a contact sheet. Think it's an extra 98p

Have a go with C41 black and white if you like b&w. is your friend... :)
I also get it done at asda, I usualy get a CD at the same time and use it as a contact sheet. Think it's an extra 98p

Have a go with C41 black and white if you like b&w. is your friend... :)

Well I already process my own non C41 BnW and yes, thanks to this superb forum I have found the delights of 7dayshop.

Asda does £2 a roll for processing only

Tesco have put their prices up, last week £4.19 for 24-6X4" £5.
Sometimes handy when they are not busy, as will do them in 30mins while you shop.
I've never been a fan of cheap processing. I'd much prefer to take less photographs and get films professionally processed and printed or use labs that i know the people that work in them.

The difference can be staggering especially in terms of print quality, surely if it's process only you're looking for it would be better to have a film developed at a place that has better quality control :shrug:
I've never been a fan of cheap processing. I'd much prefer to take less photographs and get films professionally processed and printed or use labs that i know the people that work in them.

The difference can be staggering especially in terms of print quality, surely if it's process only you're looking for it would be better to have a film developed at a place that has better quality control :shrug:

Just because something is cheap does not automatically mean that it is rubbish. :nono:

Sometimes it just pays to shop around, especially in these hard times. :|

I have now used my local processor and the quality of the outcome across 4 rolls is consistant and very good. ;)
***Just because something is cheap does not automatically mean that it is rubbish.***

Indeed...the important thing is to get the film developed correctly, you can always get a selected frame drum scanned and printed by a lab. One of my shots, neg developed by Boots, was drum scanned and printed to about 16X20 by a lab:-

Canon 28mm f2.8 Fuji superior 200asa

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C41 is a pretty consistent process but if you do opt for a cheap lab don't expect it to be the best. I didn't say cheap processing was rubbish so not sure why you've chosen to wag a finger at me for not wanting to risk my film in one :dummy: .

Sure it might be fine for most people but i value my pictures and would rather spend a little more and KNOW i'll get it printed well. In the twenty plus years I've been taking 35mm I've always found a pro lab will produce better quality photographs than a "cheap" lab so all I'd say it don't expect fantastic results.

The labs i've used have been Dawson Strange in Cobham, Shades in Woking, Coker Colour in Staines (5x4 processing )and PRC in Liphook - who incidently have never printed one photograph badly for me in 8 years of using them.

Labs I've used that have been inexpensive have developed the film fine but when it's come down to the actuall printing there have been dozens of times i've been unhappy with the print quality; unsharp, colour casts, wishy washy photos etc.... That is all :|
C41 is a pretty consistent process but if you do opt for a cheap lab don't expect it to be the best. I didn't say cheap processing was rubbish so not sure why you've chosen to wag a finger at me for not wanting to risk my film in one :dummy: .

Sure it might be fine for most people but i value my pictures and would rather spend a little more and KNOW i'll get it printed well. In the twenty plus years I've been taking 35mm I've always found a pro lab will produce better quality photographs than a "cheap" lab so all I'd say it don't expect fantastic results.

The labs i've used have been Dawson Strange in Cobham, Shades in Woking, Coker Colour in Staines (5x4 processing )and PRC in Liphook - who incidently have never printed one photograph badly for me in 8 years of using them.

Labs I've used that have been inexpensive have developed the film fine but when it's come down to the actuall printing there have been dozens of times i've been unhappy with the print quality; unsharp, colour casts, wishy washy photos etc.... That is all :|

I am sorry that you seem to have taken offence to my reply to your original post but I think that we are both chewing opposite ends of the same stick, so to say.

All of us here on this forum and of course all other photographers take pride in what they do and we all want the same thing, the best quality images, whether that be via film or digital.

Prehaps I should have called this thread 'Inexpensive C41 Processing', as unfortunately nowadays the word CHEAP is often misconstrued.

I totally agree with you in regards to finding the best Lab that you can so the obvious thing is to do a test roll and dry run before letting them free with your prized films.

I have had problems in the past with a few well known high street labs but have learnt from that.

The lab I use now is a photography and framing shop and all work is done in house but just because they are who they are and not a supermarket or chemist etc.. I still checked them out first.

I only get my C41 processed to negs as I do all my own printing and therefore have a little more control over that side of things.

I suppose the basics of this thread is to see who other people are using to process their C41, what their experiences have been (such as yourself) and at what cost.

I do however still stick to my main point in that if something is 'Cheap, inexpensive, a bargain or discounted', whichever wording you wish to choose, it does not necessarily straight away mean it is of lesser quality. It just means you have made a saving but of course each person is entitled to their own opinion. :)