cheap e-bay yashica.


Points percy at the pedestal
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Won this for a tenner so if it works will have a metered camera to go with the Zorki K.......

Anybody had one......:shrug:
That's an old one is that (y)

I'd really like somebody to post a rangefinder with better optics, a sturdier build, with a more attractive design, for 3 pence hal'penny.
Well, actually make a fight of it, try spend a hundred quid on a better camera...
I just isn't possible.
Been watching some myself, gave my first one away :bang: but I'm looking for the Electro GX it has a 40mm 1.7, they don't come up often.
Anyway, these are a couple that are still in my auction ended list.

fourteenpoundsfifty !!!

I just spent twice that for a second hand IR filter :cautious:

this is the one I gave away - £8.50

Maybe we could have a thread with examples from differnt ragefinders?

I'd do my bit with an example from my XA once i get the first developed roll back from asda!
yep, tis the risk of ebay.

I could clean it out and prob will at some point.

I also got an oly trip a while ago, managed to repair the stuck aperture but need to refocus/calibrate the lens. Will be spot on when it's done, think it was about £4!
You do right, bid as though its junk unless the seller says otherwise
it's all about timing and the amount you bid, never bid an even number!

for example, don't bid £10... bid 11.78. Folk tend to put max bids in on nice round numbers
On my shopping list currently.....

Yashica electro 35GX or GL to go with my gtn that has a rather nasty viewfinder issue since I left in the car accidentally in the coldest part of the cold snap then brought it into a nice warm house. It's all gone very blue and hazy and I think I might have damged the silvering on the rangefinder mirrors :(

Canonet QL17 GIII Gonna get one from the states as they seem to be a lot cheaper from over there. I havent seen a decent one in the UK go for much under a ton!

Konica s3 or C35fd Ostensibly the same camera and supposed to be the best fixed lens 35mm rangefinder available. Wont get one for under £100 I doubt. Grrrrrrr.

Olympus 35sp again, pretty Special camera with spot metering. Not many around so could be looking at £200 for a good one.

So there you go. That's what I Spend my time doing when I should be working in the office lol.

Was looking at MF but I think the increase in portability over the LF camera is negligble really unless I get a MF rangefinder. Now there's an idea............
On my shopping list currently Yashica Electro GX.....


Was looking at MF but I think the increase in portability over the LF camera is negligble really unless I get a MF rangefinder. Now there's an idea............

That's a small market, even smaller if you want metering, though there are plenty of 7's.
I always fancied a nice Fuji :)

That awful English didn't do the seller any favours there......result !
Canonet QL17 GIII Gonna get one from the states as they seem to be a lot cheaper from over there. I havent seen a decent one in the UK go for much under a ton!

:( I sold mine a couple of years ago for £25. At the time the prices were reversed. There was quite a high demand in the US but noone here wanted them.