Cheapest place to process films?

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I am just starting the research for my dissertation, which is looking at peoples' perceptions of Cornwall through photography.

I've got 7 different groups of people ranging from children to elderly, tourists to residents, and have about 5-7 people in each group.

Most people will be given disposable cameras to record their perceptions with, and I've sourced some Fuji single use cameras for £2 each (y) However I'm struggling with the processing- it's costing me £4 per film and at this rate I'm not going to get change out of £200 :eek:

Anybody know the cheapest place to process films?
Maybe you have too many people.
Why not have one cam per group, 7 in a group that's 5 shots apiece and only 7 films.

You could get a discount for a bulk process if you knew how many there were.
Nope can't do that- I need each person to take a whole film if they want to- past studies give each person the opportunity to use up to a whole role of film to show their perceptions. Plus 5 or 6 photos for each person just isn't enough. The photographs need to be identified to each person, therefore 1 film per person, makes life a whole lot easier.

Can't reduce group numbers either, it would make the research samples too small.

Has anybody used truprint? Are they any good?
Do you have any friends at Falmouth Uni or Bodmin college as they both have thier own full kit & do super deals for the non photography students ..:clap:
Has anybody used truprint? Are they any good?

I used to use Truprint alllll the time for sending old films away. They were always very good for the money when I used them.

Don't know who's the cheapest these days though...
Make friend's with someone who works at Jessops. They can give you staff discount of 50% off printing. I believe that will make it around £2.75 for next day 6x4 prints if it's a 24exp camera or around £3.50 for 6x4 next day prints if it's a 36exp.

That's the best advice!
Or you get 10% off student.
Well Tesco on a good day charge £4.16 for processing and up to 26---6"X4" prints. Dunno if Asda do it cheaper.....So what's a "good day"? well some days the results are excellent others not so good.
But I would be suprised if you were to get it much cheaper than those, but maybe if you were to see the manager could work out something cheaper for quantity.
for cheap colour stuff i use my local newsagents, they process the films for £2 and i just then scan them onto my mac... is this possible for you to do?