Chemicals for Jobo Procesor

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I've got my hands on a Jobo CPE Processor and I'm looking to process both B&W and C41 colour films (no printing, I'll be scanning the negs)

I'm going to be close to Silverprint tomorrow and I see they have a Colortec C41 'kit' but what should I buy for the B&W? It's mostly FP4 HP5 and Fuji Neopan Acros. What's the difference between Ilfotec and Ilfosol? Which is best? What else do I need to buy? Fixer etc?

Thanks Andrew
It's hardly worth filling up the Jobo and getting up to temp for B&W? I'd do it by hand as the temp isn't that critical

I use Rodinal for B&W purely because it's easy to dilute and use.
+1 for Rodinal. Dilutions can go up to 1+100, but I'm finding the optimal balance is 1+50 for most films - and this works for everything from 25 speed films up to 400 (haven't tried anything faster or pushed further).

The higher dilutions mean that you'll save money on buying concentrated developer (around £4 for a 125ml bottle
Rodinal sounds good, I've just checked the Silverprint website. I assume I need some sort of fixer?