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Hi Guys,

Considering putting in a darkroom in my workshop as I have the space and a way to get water (and a kettle to heat it up). What I don't have is a drain, would I be alright to mix spent developer fixer and other stuff in a bucket after use before I trudge off to find somewhere to put it?

Is there a problem with sloshing it all in a bucket and sticking down the drain? With washing it all becomes pretty dilute.

(interested as have same problem)
yup thats what i'm wondering in the uni darkroom stuff just gets poured down the sink but seeing as mine would sit for a few hours possibly in an enclosed space I was a bit worried
That's what I did before I plumbed in the drain. Most developers are similar to (or contain) sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) which is used as a drain cleaner anyway.

Suspended silver in the fixer is not so good but for home use, it is in small quantities which can be disposed of down the drain when diluted.

I have a sink in my darkroom, but prefer to empty all my finished chemicals into a bucket and then pore down the drain, with lots of water to flush it down.

This is the (possibly mistaken) belief that, to some extent, they will neutralise each other.