Chester Zoo Caper - The Thread!


TPer Emeritus
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Well it was a lousy wet day, bad light, but great company! :icon_cool

I managed some decent shots despite the conditions, and still have a load to wade through, but here's three for now to save you all being inundated with zoo pics. :LOL:



They all look how I feel when I wake up :)

Nice pics BTW ;)
Nice shots buddy, I just hope some of mine have come out half as good :)
Glad you all had a ball,

I live closer to the zoo than any of you, and yet couldn't get there :(

CT, how did you get the Jag to pose for you?
each time i've seen them, they've been pacing along the back fence of the pen.

I also wasn't aware that EOSD was going!, the 3rd shot has caught his southern expression perfectly. :LOL:
digitalfailure said:
CT, how did you get the Jag to pose for you?
each time i've seen them, they've been pacing along the back fence of the pen.

We never saw a jaguar last time we were there and this time he obliged for just a few minutes then buggered off again! :D
Nice shots CT love the 2nd one. looks like he's trying to cough up a furball.
I'm gutted I couldn't make it there, :(

I was at the RAF museum in Hendon yesterday and my Boss wasn't letting me forget i'd had 1.5 days off this week. @hole!!
CT that third one of the baby orangutang is a corking capture of his expression. But what is that in his hands? ')

Ian, in that first one, he does NOT look
That's one angry puddy tat there.
Marcel said:
CT that third one of the baby orangutang is a corking capture of his expression. But what is that in his hands? ')

His foot! :LOL:

It does look like he's bragging though. :whistling
digitalfailure said:
I also wasn't aware that EOSD was going!, the 3rd shot has caught his southern expression perfectly. :LOL:

b*****d git:p
Nice shots to start off there CT, Monkeys ubder blanket Ian, cracking shot!
You guys must have looked like a small army :) Great shots so far. CT that orangutang has the expression that I'm sure most of us would have after being told theres no more bananas :D
Oh.... and we ran into the Armoured Division just moving out! (Grumpy bastids!!) :shock:
Nice portrait shot - great pensive expression :)

Not sure about the post processing though, but hey I'm playing :)
Nice fellas!

Jimmy Durante showed up briefly. :)
Steve that portrait is great, looks deep in thought :)
Here's a few from the pics I took


Oh it's so hard sitting up on this rock :p

The lion really didn't want to play ball for the photo's but with some running I managed to get this

wow, some realy good shots from all of you!
You did well to photograph the lion, as you say he was not being very helpful and had us running around trying to grab a picture.

The flower shot really shows how hard it rained on us at different points. Another great capture :)
I'm very envious.

I'll try and tie in to a day out next year...I come down South a couple of times a year to visit my son and it would great to meet you all so I can get my revenge for the photo critiques :nunu:
All I can say is wow, some very nice stuff from all of you :)
Pleased you all had a nice day regardless of the weather and has already been said some very good pics from the trip already. Hope to be part of this next time.
It was great to meet with everyone and put some faces to names.
Great posts so far.

Here's my take on the Jaguar.


Sigma 800, Gitzo 2227, Manfrotto 393
f5.6 1/200th ISO 320
Great shot there Matt, the 800mm lens has really allowed you get in his face.

Its hard to believe that the light was bad and it was absolutely pelting it down with rain when you took that shot. As usual stunning work :thumb:

Here is another of my shots from the day. I am trying to show stuff that other have not.

Great DOF there Matt. Hardly surprising with THAT lens though! :icon_eek: You've really started me off wanting a a sealed body after seeing your camera soaking wet all day.

Nice take on the giraffes Steve. :woot:
Cheers Steve.
The 800 does allow you to get up real close and personal to the subjects.
It also helps you hide unwanted items in the background.

Heres one I got of you.


Sigma 800, Gitzo 2227, Manfrotto 393, EX580 -2/3 fec
f5.6 1/100 ISO 320
My favourite shots in this thread so far are:

CT's baby Orang-utan.
IanC's Chimpanzee.
Steve's Orang-utan portrait.
Cripple's Lion.

Great captures gent's, well done.

Here's another of my Orang-utan shots.

Sigma 800, Gitzo 2227, Manfrotto 393, EX580 -2/3 fec
f5.6 1/125 ISO 320