
Aparently so called as 'togs were heard muttering "oooo" "ahhh" and sounding like a chimp while viewing.
Wikipedia's explanation :D

when a photographer’s sounds and actions of reviewing frames on-scene appear similar to the actions of an excited monkey. (Oooh! Oooh! Aaah!)
Aparently so called as 'togs were heard muttering "oooo" "ahhh" and sounding like a chimp while viewing.

Wikipedia's explanation :D

when a photographer’s sounds and actions of reviewing frames on-scene appear similar to the actions of an excited monkey. (Oooh! Oooh! Aaah!)

He he, Cheers chaps. Made me chuckle, at least I now have a valid reason to act like an excited monkey:D:LOL:
lol because you flick through the shots on your camera, find one you like and go...

[monkey sound] "oooh ooh oooh" [/monkey sound] whilst jabbing frantically at the screen!

:LOL: :D

It's true ;)
Another quote from Wiki
Having several digital photographers together will result in group chimping either during or after the event they are shooting. This is similar to actual chimpanzee grooming, which is a social activity

So own up, who is into group chimping!:eek::runaway:
Never chimped in my life. ( lots of other words, usually unprintable). I wonder if it comes more from the Point and Shoot community than elsewhere
If you have ever seen a monkey in a zoo that is handed an object, they immediately turn their back to the person giving them the object and hunch over it, examining it closely but privately. It is intensely selfish behavior, which befits an animal with a concept of 'mine' but not one of 'ours'.

This resembles the behavior of a photographer taking a shot and then immediately tucking the camera into his or her midsection, hunching over, and gazing into it, whilst ignoring everyone and everything around them.

It is often said in a derogatory fashion not just because it resembles the behavior of a chimp, but also because it is an intensely private behavior in a social setting, and it makes clear to those around the photographer that they are much more interested in their photograph than in the person or scene they just took the photograph of. In other words, it is rude.

It is not unlike someone interrupting a conversation they are having with you to text someone else. Intensely off-putting and a clear indication of how much they value their conversation with you, which is not very.

If I feel I must chimp a histogram or check a shot to see how it is coming out, I try to do so somewhat discreetly, or at least in such a way as to not insult my subject, presuming I am photographing a person and not a statue or a tractor.
Rude? :LOL::LOL::LOL:

I dont know about that, rude is a bit strong.
I think the posture/stance is similar to the way you describe chimp behavour, not neccesarilly a social faux-pas during the act of taking a photograph.
I've heard it used in a derogatory fashion by group film shooters to suggest they (digital shooters) couldn't shoot a decent photo in the traditional manner without checking, (no confidence n00b).
Ofcourse, if you are to take full advantage of the tool, you'd be stupid not to, the screen is there for a reason.
I think Filmy's would chimp too....if there was something to chimp....

I can see this thread deteriorating fast :LOL:
I dont know about that, rude is a bit strong.
I think the posture/stance is similar to the way you describe chimp behavour, not neccesarilly a social faux-pas during the act of taking a photograph.

I think socially acceptable behavior is changing. I find that my young relatives do not believe texting messages to others whilst speaking to me is rude, but to me it is quite unacceptable, and I've been known to simply walk away.

The specific behavior I am referring to is when a photographer lines up a shot with people posing, etc, takes the photo, and then turns their back on the group to hunch over their camera in deep contemplation. It is not merely the act of looking down, but rather the dismissive turning away as if to say, "I've got what I want, I'm done with you lot now."

I see it quite often, and try not to do it myself, unless I first say something like "I need to check and see how that went, just one moment, please."
I think socially acceptable behavior is changing. I find that my young relatives do not believe texting messages to others whilst speaking to me is rude, but to me it is quite unacceptable, and I've been known to simply walk away.

The specific behavior I am referring to is when a photographer lines up a shot with people posing, etc, takes the photo, and then turns their back on the group to hunch over their camera in deep contemplation. It is not merely the act of looking down, but rather the dismissive turning away as if to say, "I've got what I want, I'm done with you lot now."

I see it quite often, and try not to do it myself, unless I first say something like "I need to check and see how that went, just one moment, please."

Dispite my p'ss take I agree completely. Accepted attitudes are changing for the worse, such as taking a phone call / texting whilst in mid conversation with me or anyone else, ( & turning your back on your subject of course )and yep I have also been know to walk away!
errm, no, I think your overreacting, you cant compare trying to hold a conversation with someone sending text messages, with the process of taking a photograph.
You can read into the act of chimping whatever you want, what a tog does after the shot doesn't bother me personally one iota, guess I'm just not that sensitive.
Quite frankly, I got better things to worry about than someone elses perceived idea of photo etiquette..if someone wants to go on a "better manners" crusade, I can think of far worthier places to start than histogram checkers..hunched/backturned whatever.
Somewhat OT - but my pet-hate for what I see as being rude is...

Shopkeepers, and even worse receptionists in hotels, where you've been standing there a while waiting to be served and just as you get to the front the phone goes and they pick it up and ignore you - the caller has thus effectively jumped the queue & sometimes jumped a long way too - if anyone had done that in person, Hell would break loose but it seems some think the phone rules

I hate it when that happens and blame the person who chose to ignore me in favour of the caller (not the caller's fault)

Is there a 'Grumpy thread' in here somewhere trying to get out? :D
Wasnt going to post in here, but thought sod it. Chimping is checking your shots, in my opinion it is daft not to check a shot if you have the ability to! I always chimp after a few shots, yes if you are shooting someone or something you have organised you may say "one second" or "let me just check" - but it is pretty obvious what you are doing. I have never seen someone turn round to chimp. The reason I hold it by my chest and lean over it is to cut out the light and because there is where I can see it!

cobra im watching this thread


lol well u learn something every day.

Im not sure looking at ur pics on the screen is rude but turning away from ppl is espically if u dont say anything.

no what you mean about the phone on reception though, at work i will always at least achknowledge someone if they have to wait while i answer the phone.
*Eee, Eee, Eee!*

You know, that kind of yelping noise chimps make!
Could the new habit that’s destroying reputations actually be good for you?

Chimping; the facts…

Recent research has uncovered some uncomfortable facts about Chimping, it seems everyone’s doing it. Statistical studies have found that even hardened film users who have had to move to digital through commercial pressures have also inadvertently become victims of this powerful stimuli…knocking cautious and concealed film loading from its perch, chimping has become the new craze for all who can’t resist the quick fix of the chiming screen

Its long been thought that chimping became accessible in the early 90’s with cheep fixes and low priced chimping devices cunningly masquerading as a cameras and easily available to buy in the public domain.
Since these Chimpers started, demand has grown, corrupt manufactures have kept pace with increasing demand by introducing larger and purer areas to chimp at. It wasn’t long before huge numbers of new users had become addicted and the chimping barons turned their attention back to the professional film user by introducing chimping devices on professional cameras.
Since those early days most professional ex-film users have been caught Chimping regularly and in doing so have unfortunately join the ranks of the addicted masses such like the keen amateur suckered into addiction after a birthday present. Or the semi-pro often spotted using two screens to get there hit, then there’s modern the tourist using technology for steaming or fixed chimping facilities, or god forbid, the mobile phone snapper who carries a smaller quick fix method with them, this somehow a more acceptable method of chimping

Countless now remain so embarrassed by there new habits that they can be spotted using furtive Chimping methods, the quick down glance chimp, the hold the eye piece a small distance away glance chimp, the rain coat ‘Oh is that rain’ bend down and chimp…. Many users control their urges, refusing to chimp in public areas only to resort to privately chimping, an unhealthy and perverted habit If ever there was one.

But a new survey carried out by ‘WTF’ magazine has made some startling conclusions … ‘Could the chimping habit actually be good for you’, it has few side effects, some have suggested its rude and unsociable but upon further study it has been found to actually increase social integration, it releases endorphins, gives you a sense of accomplishment and for those that moved into this habit from film the all important closure on each shot, providing an instant rush of satisfaction, instead of what used to be a wait of some time. Which can often leading to frustration, or re-shooting expenses… Or at its worst, some clients near divorce or even possible suicide!

So next time your photographer turns his back on you and chimps, don’t be sad for him, he’s not afflicted with a need for an opiate, nor is he stimulating his mind to talk bo**ox, and he doesn’t mean to be rude, as hes only making those monkey noises in a bid to do the best he can for you.

... its true.