Cleg (Horse Fly)

Female then (males dont bite)... hope it gets your neighbour lol

Such amazing looking creatures you have very sensitive skin to have felt it. (y)
I didn't know it was only the females that bit. I wouldn't say I've sensitive skin, it's just I'm always getting bitten by them so I'm always on the look out for them. Seem to be everywhere at the moment.
Good photos. The ones that land on me are usually much flatter than that one... well, very shortly afterwards that is! ;)
I didn't know it was only the females that bit. I wouldn't say I've sensitive skin, it's just I'm always getting bitten by them so I'm always on the look out for them. Seem to be everywhere at the moment.
I agree their bites can be quite hard. Normally they can be quite large so you can hear them.
Apparently if you have a dark coloured car they will rest on it when you stop after a longish journey. The only photo I have ever got was of one my dark car.
They're a bit like a guided missile, once they've locked on to you as a potential target they won't usually leave you alone until they've landed and had their fill. Not much fun if you're prone to allergic reactions to insect bites either, so get some good insect repellent and bite ointment if you're out in cleg country at this time of year!
They're a bit like a guided missile, once they've locked on to you as a potential target they won't usually leave you alone until they've landed and had their fill. Not much fun if you're prone to allergic reactions to insect bites either, so get some good insect repellent and bite ointment if you're out in cleg country at this time of year!
I got bitten by a cleg when I was 15, and ended up with lockjaw :(
As a pestie, I've been bitten and stung by the best, this is the only damned thing I react badly to!

Well captured (y)
Darn things do leave their mark given the chance. Great eyes though.