Cobra's 2021 52 Creative Calamities Week 52 showcase, done and out.

The spider web is an idea I had! Its just missing a great big spider in the middle I'm sure lots of people will love that! The light behind the web really brings the web out.
The spider web is an idea I had! Its just missing a great big spider in the middle I'm sure lots of people will love that! The light behind the web really brings the web out.
Cheers Simon. It was early-ish morning, heavy dew and the sun was just showing above the houses opposite
Week 41 Red + Tech. Free lensing.
Well that was a weird one, trying to get it to focus..
Virginia Creeper showing her autumn collection ..

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Simply Red - like it :)
Nice and red, and well done for getting the tech cracked (i'm still working up to it!)
Nice and red, and well done for getting the tech cracked (i'm still working up to it!)
Cheers Jim, it is a real PITA trying to get it to focus though!
I love this.. .the light/shade/colour makes a great semi-abstract image.
Week 42 "irregular" stripes on this little chap act as disruptive camouflage.
ie the predators have a tough time focusing on the target while it's running.
It must work the zebra's are next to the Lions, I've not heard of any kills

by Chris, on Flickr
Good idea for the subject,
fancy putting them next to the lions though :runaway:
fancy putting them next to the lions though :runaway:
There are deer next to the Cheetahs, when I questioned it, apparently, its to encourage natural behaviour (prey predator responses)
I watched a Lynx chasing a free ranging Wallaby up and down the fence ( that was between them) the other day.
I'm not convinced on their logic TBH. Not that they can do anything about the free ranging wallaby's or Mara.

Thanks for dropping by :)
It definitely sends my eyes funny, so I'm sure it will confuse the lions. I'm struck by how very thick and upright its mane is - almost like a mohican.

Lovely shot.
It definitely sends my eyes funny, so I'm sure it will confuse the lions. I'm struck by how very thick and upright its mane is - almost like a mohican.

Lovely shot.
Cheers Bee :)

I don't know how or why, but the baby bog brush style diminishes as they get older.
Maybe the mane stays the same and they grow into it.
Or it just gets darker the older they get, and it blends in better..
Great shot, and good fit to theme (but you knew that ) - fabulous ears too!
Cheers Simon, (y)
and I only needed the small shoehorn this week :D
Certainly makes my eye go funny - good tick!
Lovely shot. Any idea why are the stripes on the face more symmetrical?
According to several sources, including Encyclopaedia Brittanica, zebras are black with white stripes (which means they are of African or West Indian origin with a penchant for the armies of seven nations).

I like zebras and this is a nice one of a zebra in repose.
zebras are black with white stripes

I asked the Zebra,
are you black with white stripes?
Or white with black stripes?
And the zebra asked me,
Are you good with bad habits?
Or are you bad with good habits?
Are you noisy with quiet times?
Or are you quiet with noisy times?
Are you happy with some sad days?
Or are you sad with some happy days?
Are you neat with some sloppy ways?
Or are you sloppy with some neat ways?
And on and on and on and on and on and on he went.
I’ll never ask a zebra about stripes...again.”

― Shel Silverstein

I like zebras and this is a nice one of a zebra in repose.
Cheers Martin :)
Week 43, Halloween
At a bit of a loss for this one,
But as Bats are synonymous with Halloween
have 3 ....

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Nice Batty stuffs :)
Looks like (s)he's feeding on a pumpkin in the last, so very halloweeny and very cool subjects!