Cold Callers Cure?

I've seen similar things in the past.

I wonder if anyone tests the sign writer's determination to collect the charge? ;)
I should get Mrs WW to answer the door and phone more. If it's a nuisance she can shout at them in Thai. It sounds classier than me swearing at them in Anglo Saxon.
I had an ambulance chaser call me at work asking me about my 'accident'. When they asked for details I told them I had died in the accident, when they asked me to confirm this they put the phone down on poor colleague, Sophie, who overheard this stood up, her face ashen, and asked 'did you say what I think you said?'.

Never been bothered by such calls since.
Yep, I’ve done similar, when asked if it was serious I replied “there was a fatality” asked then who “oh me” had a couple of nasty comments before I/they hung up.