Common Blue Butterflies - mission accomplished!

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Spotted the 'target species' thread a while back and the only thing I could think of that didn't seem too ambitious given there's a good site for them 10 miles from home was Common Blues. Missed out for the last couple of years with work and then Covid. Decided to pay a visit today after a couple of recces and wasn't disappointed!

Common Blue - Mission accomplished by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

Common Blues making some new Common Blues by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

Another of the Common Blues making more Common Blues by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

I'd be interested in peoples thoughts on the mating pairs shots. The only with the grassy background is technically better and I think I prefer the subjects positioning relative to each other (ooh-err!) but I also quite like the other with the sky/grass transition (although I wish I'd captured a better transition)
I prefer the 3rd photo as I just think the green background looks better. Purely a personal preference!
It's worth looking for these just before sunset, as they start to roost on grass stems, often in groups, and will allow a very close approach without flying off. The "golden hour" lighting looks amazing on these too!

I prefer the 3rd photo as I just think the green background looks better. Purely a personal preference!
It's worth looking for these just before sunset, as they start to roost on grass stems, often in groups, and will allow a very close approach without flying off. The "golden hour" lighting looks amazing on these too!


Thanks for the input Dave and the advice - I've only ever caught one of these starting to roost the once and it made for a nice photo. I may well head back and see what I can see whilst they're about