Common Blue Damselfly

Nice shot, I was going to say the DOF was very deep ( for this ) then re read and saw you'd stacked. Cool.
Nice work Ryan :)
Very nice macro/close up style capture Ryan, with some fine detail & colours.
Nice shot, I was going to say the DOF was very deep ( for this ) then re read and saw you'd stacked. Cool.
Thanks Dale, I usually don't have any luck with such a massive depth stack but despite the wind this one actually came out pretty good imho. That said this is the only one of 3 sets of around 20 shots where it held still for the entire stack of images.
Nice work Ryan :)
Cheers Chris!
Very nice macro/close up style capture Ryan, with some fine detail & colours.
Thanks George!
Great technique Ryan, well done :D Lovely picture, lovely colour and detail :D
Was a telezoom used as I have tried a macro lens, and it is impossible to get close enough to use ! ?
I was using a 1:1 macro lens but it is 150mm which gives a bit more working distance than the more common 105mm. I think there was around 9-10 inches between the front of the damsel and the front lens element.
I was using a 1:1 macro lens but it is 150mm which gives a bit more working distance than the more common 105mm. I think there was around 9-10 inches between the front of the damsel and the front lens element.
Wow, that is still pretty close !
As soon as I am 2 meters away they are gone !
Wow, that is still pretty close !
As soon as I am 2 meters away they are gone !
I prefer to go out on grey semi-miserable days as although the insects are a bit harder to spot they do tend to be a lot less skittish and tolerate my presence more than when its hot and sunny. The damsel above was still pretty active and I had to follow it around for a while until it settled onto a half decent perch I could get a good angle on with a clearish background.