Wild Common clubtail emergence videos

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As I have seen a few mentions in dragonfly threads of people wanting to see the emergence of a dragonfly, I am posting links to my timelapse videos of a common clubtail emerging.

Video 1 is 'the initial emergence of a common clubtail dragonfly. Filmed hand-held whilst hanging upside down on the concrete footing of the railway viaduct over the Thames south of Goring'. And video 2 is 'the entire emergence of a common clubtail dragonfly from its nymph. What took 10 minutes I have squeezed into just over a minute. It is all handheld hence the rather shaky video at times.'

Would love to shoot some more, but the weather and life have been against me so far this year.

Video 1

Video 2



P.S. Is it possible to link directly to the videos rather than the Flickr pages?
Superb videos Stephen, thanks for posting them
I haven't seen a clubtail emerging before, the riverbank at our local site the Dee is very steep and it's tricky to get near to the water
I have seen a clubtail shortly after emerging after it had left the exuvia I saw it dry its wings unfold them and then fly off:)
Superb videos Stephen, thanks for posting them
I haven't seen a clubtail emerging before, the riverbank at our local site the Dee is very steep and it's tricky to get near to the water
I have seen a clubtail shortly after emerging after it had left the exuvia I saw it dry its wings unfold them and then fly off:)

Not the easiest to see at Goring as they can emerge quite far down the bank, and I use a macro lens, so need to hang over the edge and be careful not to fall in! But it is worth it.

Amazing videos Stephen. I was at Goring last Saturday, and managed to completely miss one adult emerging. I was at the viaduct at about 1030hrs, with no action, went walk-abouts looking for adults for 2 hours, came back and there was one already emerged and on the grass bank, that I had missed. I did get some shots just before it flew though.