Confused about big stopper

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Hi, really into landscapes mainly for fun and getting out and about but finally know what I need next in my kit bag and that's a big stopper. Have a cheap piece of weldin glass at the moment but really want the real thing to use. My camera is a Nikon 3100 and have the kit lens with several nd grads and 35mm 1.8. In simple terms what I'm I looking for in regard the big stopper especially size and price. I know the lee is on a waiting list and really at the moment out of my price range. Seen several on eBay around 70-80 pound hitech ones. Are these worth chasing? Thanks for any help and listening to a novice.
June Advanced Photographer had a good review - it might still be in the shops
you might want to have a look at the Haida ones as well... i think £35-£40 screw on filters but worth having a bash with to give the long exposures a try.

have a look at this previous thread
Might also be worth looking out for a B+W ND110. This is also a screw in filter which slows by about 10 stops. I have one and love it. Produces a slight magenta cast but very easily fixed in post processing. Got my 77mm version new for about £80.