Crab spider and a couple of amorous ladybirds

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Whilst at work this morning i saw this little girly (i assume because of the size, but i could be wrong) sitting inside of a Tree peony flower. Because i was working i didn't have my camera with me, so at the end of the day i went back with camera in hand to see if it was still there. I kind of thought it would be and it was.
Here are a few of the photo i got.
PS. she doesn't look to be to happy to be photographed, kind of angry.

untitled-121-Edit.jpg by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr

untitled-108.jpg by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr

untitled-103-Edit.jpg by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr

And just so i don't have to make another thread, here are a couple of ladybirds getting it on.

untitled-100.jpg by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr
Nice set Dominic she probably was angry at you invading her space and threating her she is a Misumena vatia I would love to see one we do not them this far North. She may be a differnt colour next you see her.
Lovely shots, As Alf says, She maybe a different colour next time, they normally take on the colour of their surroundings , not completely, more like a toned down colour.
Excellent, but I think she just wants to give you a big bear hug. Thanks for posting, never seen one before.