critique - wine glass series

Original. Excellent set of images. It's 3 and 4 are tops for me
2 and 4 do it for me especially No2. Great series though.
excellent, i love what the glass has done to those stripes. The first pic, I thought my eyes hurt, but by the time i get to the third, im thinking, wow, these are different! Love the 3rd one :)
Thanks for the feedback, its my take on a feature about refraction in this months practical photography magazine so although I'd love to say it was my idea and take the credit but seeing as the basic principle came from PP I can't take all the credit lol. The colours were made with food colouring and all pics were shot at f22 or f26 on aperture priority then sharpened up in dpp and ps7 :) the pics. I don't know if it's my eyes or my monitor (or possibly both!) but you get a very interesting effect when using the mouse wheel to scroll pic 3 rapidly up and down :) the pics. I don't know if it's my eyes or my monitor (or possibly both!) but you get a very interesting effect when using the mouse wheel to scroll pic 3 rapidly up and down :)

Yes - Dizzzy ! :D

My favourite out this set is No 3, followed by No. 4. These are both strong enough to overpower the background, I feel in the first two the background dominates the pictures too much although the "stems" look great once I managed to focus on them