D300 Dead after inserting dented memory card

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Hi folks

I found one of my memory cards dented recently and stupidly thought it would be okay to try it in the camera. As soon as I put it in the camera was taking pictures but not storing them. Shortly after the camera functions stopped working and then followed by the camera going completely dead. I have tried a 2nd battery, tried new memory cards but all else fails.

Has anyone got any ideas? Is there a way to reset the software if the camera is dead?


Check inside the CF slot inside the camera and make sure none of the pins have been bent by the damaged CF card and causing an internal short?
Does sound like the CF slot pins, fairly costly repair I believe from previous reports
Not wanting to make light of your problem, when I first saw the thread title i did not read the first D, which made it sound much more horrific. :LOL:

If it is just a bent pin, I have fixed this before by bending it back to place with a jewlers screw driver, just make sure the battery is out to be safe.
Unfortunately the first thing I checked was the pins and they all seem to be fine, I wish it was that as I could fix it.

Ha ha, yes I could see the problem if you missed the 'D' in the title - that would be some death toll from inserting a memory card!!!!! :)

