Dandelion and a rose

paul rogers
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Well I have seen many pictures if the Dandelion seed with droplets etc.
So I thought I would give it a go first couple are basic shots hen it get interesting.
Trying to get water onto them pesky little things is hard as i did not have any syringes.
What do I use deep in thought Hmm in the end I used a straw to get water on to a sewing needle and let it roll down onto the dandelion head. ...
I started to get more confident with having a steady hand more droplets added.
At one stage I even emptied a bottle of fabreeze into a cup to keep for later.
Filled the bottle up and managed to get some spray onto a couple of the heads but it was not fine enough, i ruined about ten seed heads to get one picture.
I need to find a proper misting bottle. As time went on manage a few background colours.
I am really impressed with other photographer pictures of these pesky things.
also a rose petal shot at f2.8_MG_8893.jpg_MG_8850.jpg_MG_8979.jpg_MG_8940.jpg_MG_8703.jpg
They are good, the first and the last two.
The first really stands out.

Not as easy as some make it look though is it.
Amazing! A lot of work for some wonderful pictures. The last couple have the edge for me, but I love the droplet technique you have used.
Thank you for sharing :)
Very very good. I don't even want to guess how long these took to do, nice shots
Very creative, the first one looks like a pair of evil eyes ;)
That first one is an absolute cracker. In fact I think it's crying out for a silly caption, so: Speculation grows that Donald Trump's idea to inject himself with disinfectant may not have gone well. ;)
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