DB5 52 for 2023 Week 52 Favourite

Nice set fro the cat in "Rip/Torn" which is a lovely photo, through to Windows. Should have taken out shares on Windowlene!
Week 31 Abandoned

HMS Belfast by Keith Johnson, on Flickr

HMS Belfast was abandoned by the Royal Navy, but saved from scrappage by the Belfast Trust Charitable Trust and opened to the public in 1971. The Imperial War Museum took ownership in 1978.

HMS Belfast 2
by Keith Johnson, on Flickr
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Nice shot of a nice ship. Abandoned though?
Great shot for windows, I wouldn;t have thought there was a viewpoint that would get all those landmarks in!
A lot of windows there Keith, well composed and exposed.

An a really interesting subject for your Abandoned shot.
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Nicely composed. I've been on there for a couple of corporate parties back in the olden days of work!
Nice one - love the gull top left :)
Catching up on commnets, the cat picture is just adorable.
Also I love the classic London skyline shot, it looks so easy but never works for me. lol.
Both fine shots Keith. I think I;ve seen similar sopmewhere - maybe Llangollen.
I think that the seagull is eyeing his possessions.

Those are some cool machines.
A couple of nice machines, the chocolate one reminds me of a mini cadbury chocolate machine I had as a little lad.
A couple of nice London shots Keith :)
Liking teh ticket machine - perfect for the theme, the changing of the guard works well with the red of the guardsman through the middle.

Shot of Picadilly makes me feel a little like it needs a tweak to the perspective, to pull the verticals straight? Nice urban environment though, with the two buses adding that splash of red again.
Comment catch-up...

MACHINE - I'm fascinated by these types of things, so massive appeal to me. I liked either.

CIRCLES - absolutely bang on and I like the little pops of colour in it.

SNAPPERS CHOICE - great colours.

URBAN - I always associate 'URBAN' with griminess, So it's great to see another take on it. My two comments are that it's a bit on the wonk. I don't mind that the lampposts lean in, but if it were mine, I'd make Eros vertical. And the second is that I'd probably have taken another couple of steps left to get all of the statue in the sky.
Week 38 Solid

by Keith Johnson, on Flickr

This boulder of Lewisian Gneiss from Lochinver in North West Scotland was presented to the people of Bromley by The Highland Council to commemorate the Millennium year.
It is a metamorphic rock over 2000 million years old and is one of the oldest rocks in the British Isles.
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You must have been tempted to repost the letterbox for solid too :)
Two good shots Keith, good commentary to put the rock in context.
week 35 - cracking image of the palace and whatever the guards are doing.
urban - I'm not sure where my eye is supposed to be looking, perhaps if you'd moved a tad to the left so the statue only had sky behind it then it might work better for me, but that's just my personal opinion.
hollow - very striking colours, we'd don't see hardly any of the old traditional boxes roud our way which is a shame
solid - right on theme.
Nice one Keith :)