Dicyrtomina saundersi

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Found a Dicyrtomina saundersi but it was moving away and quickly went out of range and disappeared...


Very nice macro style capture Paul, it's surprising just how quick these things can move away from focus at this magnification.
Its always fascinating to see the detail and colours of the small critters. :)
Considering you are using MF you have done a fab job, as always.
Great detail to be seen here even if it is just it`s Bum (mostly)
I don`t use MF, too lazy me.
Very nice macro style capture Paul, it's surprising just how quick these things can move away from focus at this magnification.

Its always fascinating to see the detail and colours of the small critters. :)

I agree with Chris (y)

I have some mini beasts living on my Orchid in the kitchen, 0.5mm long and too bloody fast :LOL:

Considering you are using MF you have done a fab job, as always.
Great detail to be seen here even if it is just it`s Bum (mostly)
I don`t use MF, too lazy me.

An interesting creature. Well found and captured Paul :D

That's actually quite cute.........and well taken, nice one Paul.

Thank you everyone - they are in my top 5 faves to get photos of (globby's) :)
