Digger Wasps and a Male Episyrphus balteatus

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3428
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Nice find Alby - sun can be a pain but these came out good enough. Surprising the difference in sizes between sexes.

Yes Paul the sun is a pain with this system as being about 6 feet away from the subject flash is not really an option, I would use flash normally to flatten the harshness with a true macro lens being just a few inches away.
Nice set Alby, I'm liking the wasps very much (y)
Nice work Alby the waps are interesting

Nice set Alby, I'm liking the wasps very much (y)

Good set Alby

Good catch with the Diggers. Nice angles on them so we can get a good look. (Is the second one a bit dark?)

I like the delicacy of the light and colours, the clarity and the composition of the last one; my favourite of these.
Yes it is a little darker Nick.
Excellent set :)
Thanks all for passing by. ;)