Does anyone still shoot Kodachrome?

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I used to have a real soft spot for Kodachrome... I loved the saturated colours (especially reds - shooting a rose on it blows your mind!) I started shooting it in my teens, and I've loads of slides from the 80's and 90's... sniff :crying:

I've used it a few times since (in fact I've still got a few rolls of the ISO 200 knocking around somewhere), but the quality doesn't seem so good since the Swiss lab shut down and processing got moved to Duane's Photo in the US. The slides seem excessively constrasty with no shadow detail... or maybe it's just me?

Does anyone still use this film, or have any fond memories?

It's been a long time since I shot it, back then ISTR it went to France for processing. I do remember when I had my E6 training at Kodak that the guy harped on about how tricky it was to process, 27 layers in the emulsion springs to mind.

But in good light it was a great film (y)
I used to love Kodachrome, Ektachrome always looked washed out to me.

I didn't even know you could still get Kodachrome, when I used it it was processed in the UK - Hemel Hempstead I seem to recall.

I use Fuji (rarely) these days.
I used to shoot Kodachrome 64 all the time, but yeah, you need the light - or tripod!

You can still get it (HERE for instance at £6.25 incl processing)
not tried it yet, but it won't be long...speed graphic sell it too. Not quite as cheap, but you'll get it 5 times faster! Ordered some provia on tuesday, plopped through the door wednesday.
not tried it yet, but it won't be long...speed graphic sell it too. Not quite as cheap, but you'll get it 5 times faster! Ordered some provia on tuesday, plopped through the door wednesday.

I figure that if you can afford to wait two weeks for them to be processed, you'll be prepared to wait 4 or 5 days for 7dayshop to deliver ;)
I'm just trying some, Jessops gave me a roll free with colour processing, I'm not quite sure the shop assistant realized I was being cheeky. I'll be interested to see the results.
I'm just trying some, Jessops gave me a roll free with colour processing, I'm not quite sure the shop assistant realized I was being cheeky. I'll be interested to see the results.

I doubt they knew what it was... :naughty:
I doubt they knew what it was... :naughty:

Nah, it was the tech, she knew full well what it was, having spent 15 mins abstracting exactly what process services central labs could provide me with, and how that affected me trying to have film pushed to ISO6400/39, she couldn't not.*

My theory was she enjoyed actually being challenged about a subject she'd obviously studied, rather than just processing another bundle of disposable camera snaps.

*Well, she could but I'm inclined to doubt it.

Either way, swish! :woot:
Can it still be processed? I thought they closed the last lab in Switzerland down a few years ago...I definitely remember reading that Kodak had stopped production of K-25 (and maybe k-64 as well).
I loved K-25...I mean was the benchmark by which all others were judged...

Happy Days...

edit - read the first post properly before writing a
I've just bagged up a roll of 64 which will be winging it's way to Dwayne's tomorrow.

Love the stuff, it makes me come over all nostalgic. Each shutter release leaves a little flutter in my heart.
Kodak website still says to send it to Switzerland for the UK/Europe and Dwayne's in the US so the Swiss lab is still in use.
EDIT - On another page the website says it's closed... Maybe Kodak should update the site! :bang:
If it's prepaid processing just post as usual to Switzerland and it automatically gets redirected to Dwayne's. It usually takes about 2 weeks.
The colour balance is definitely an acquired taste. No one's commented on the processing by Duane's Photo - I'm convinced the slides aren't as good as they used to be, in terms of dynamic range.

I'm surprised that no one's come up with a Kodachrome filter for Photoshop - something that subtly increases the saturation of all the colours, and boosts up reds :)

Just got a set of slides back from Dwaynes and they were minging, it looks as though they wiped the floor with them.

One thing I did notice was that the bag they came in said 'amatuer service' so does Dwayne's offer two tier developing perhaps?

Thats not cricket, I mean, you expect a roll of 35 thrown into Boots or Asda or whatever to be maybe less than professionally entertained, but hmmmp, what loon decided you didn't need decent negs, cos you were only "amateur".:shake:

I'd take a look at their pricing, they might be really cheap for a reason...
I'd take a look at their pricing, they might be really cheap for a reason...

It was process paid (£12 from Boots) plus £1.20 postage. But apparently it can be bought cheaper from 7dayshop

Trouble is, there aren't any other options left for K-14 processing are there?

Thats not cricket, I mean, you expect a roll of 35 thrown into Boots or Asda or whatever to be maybe less than professionally entertained, but hmmmp, what loon decided you didn't need decent negs, cos you were only "amateur".:shake:

I'd take a look at their pricing, they might be really cheap for a reason...

The E6 and B&W service at boots is still handled by a Pro Lab somewhere, it's only the C41 that gets the bums rush.
I used to use it, but not for more than twenty years, I even used in 120 in the days when it was made, it was even made in 10x8 sheet film at one time, but before my time.
There are still a few independent labs. in the U. S who process it, because it was never sold there process paid, because of their anti-trust laws, it was illegal to do so.
I doubt that Kodachrome will be made for much longer, I use Fuji Velvia 50, my local pro lab processes it in two hours and I'm very happy with it.

Kodak won't say when the last one [production run] occurred nor hint at Kodachrome's prospects. Kodachrome stocks currently on sale have a 2009 expiration date. If the machines aren't fired up again, the company might just sell out the remaining supplies, and that would be the end.

Full Washington Post article here
Is there a cut off date after which Kodak won't process it? I have a couple of rolls, but they have 2002 expiry dates.....