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I am not familiar with dragonfly varieties but this orange one was pretty. Well most more of them have pretty colours tbh.

A close up and...

a shot with bit more of a background
Very nice Anand.
Great shot, lovely detail :)
Lovely colour and detail. Well taken :D
Great shot, lovely detail :)
Very nice Anand.
Thank you very much :)

I think they are listed as threatened and listed Red due to low numbers :(
Not sure if the name is linked.

That's really unfortunate :(
I shot these at one of the RSPB places and explains why they seem to be doing their part to help dragon flies. Hopefully that helps....
Superb love the colours
they are not rare as such but localised but are spreading apparently , I’ve only seen them once when I went to Norfolk a couple of years ago
Superb love the colours
they are not rare as such but localised but are spreading apparently , I’ve only seen them once when I went to Norfolk a couple of years ago
Yes this was photographed in Norfolk too.
I have seen a number of them in various Norfolk RSPB sites.
Oh yes I remember now seeing them at RSPB lakenheath if I remember correctly
Yep they are definitely there in large numbers. Also can see them in lackford lakes, Titchwell march too I believe but I personally haven't ventured that far yet.