Dragons etc.


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Developers have been building on fields at the back of me, but for once have left an open wild flower field and 2 natural ponds with bull rushes which at the moment have an abundance of dragonflies, damsel flies and butterflies etc
Not exactly macro as taken with the sigma 150-600




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Super set
Super set

Cheers Jeff, I love that lens, seems I have a good version and it's often my carry about lens
Can't get close at these as the ponds have almost vertical banks down to the water :oops: :$
Nice set Ingrid (y)
Cheers Chris :)
Lovely set Ingrid, it looks like a great spot for insects.
Lovely set Ingrid, it looks like a great spot for insects.

Thank you Alby much appreciated.
It is great, ponds have been mown around so there is access, banks are very steep almost straight up from the edge,
just wondering how long it will be before people start moaning and they get fenced in, they have already started about
the beautiful wild bit of meadow that acts as a flood plan in heavy rain so may have deep water in a small area for a couple of hours
Nice work Ingrid
Lovely set Ingrid, and great to read that the developers have left some wild areas alone (for the time being?) :)


Thanks Russ :)
If what I was told is true, these areas have been left to help drain the water when it rains, it certainly is nice and
not muddy to get to them.
They have also put some cracking play parks up for the kids. I'm jealous I want to play on them ;)
Thank you Lez, not seen one for ages and now quite a few in that area, it's lovely that it has been left to grow

I have a river behind my house- so I am never short of subjects and always nice to see them- thanks for sharing Ingrid

Les :)
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