DXO email flood

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Anyone else getting 20% discount emails in various languages every couple of minutes from DXO - very annoying!
Do you use the software still? I've not bought anything from them in years, so perhaps they can't be bothered to spam me. ;)
I do but haven't upgraded for a long while.
9 here as well. Don’t know what they’re regarding as don’t speak the lingo :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Same here. It's disconcerting because when I deciphered the unsubscribe button it took me to a more difficult to translate page that needed me to confirm my email address. But as I never gave it to any foreign sites I didn't go further. Not a good look.
I've got lots too. Only trialled it for a short time a few years ago.
Yes. Just to add to the many scam and unsolicited garbage I get every single day.
Also started getting them in other languages as well, annoying anyway without the extra.
I expect that they are switching to a new email provider and have imported their database of addresses before setting it up fully. Or something like that, rather than anything dodgy.