Hi, I would like some advice on editing, I have bought DXO photolab6 and have canon DPP, I seem to be very slow in learning how to do it, I thought I would use canon DPP for ISO noise reduction, neural network tool, I also hope it is correcting lens aberrations, and then use DXO, when I use DXO I know the quality should be much better than it is, and they look good in my camera, canon R5. I think the main issue is the many colour options, I cannot get good detail on feathers or fur.
I should have said I take nature pics. I also have canon tool to increase pixels after editing is finished. I have trouble with the settings on DPP, it seems to choose noise reduction value, but I am not sure if I should change anything, and cannot see if it is effective, and I assume it only changes anything in tif, so I want to get the flow right, be fairly simple, but get the best out of it, I may be asking a lot though.
I should have said I take nature pics. I also have canon tool to increase pixels after editing is finished. I have trouble with the settings on DPP, it seems to choose noise reduction value, but I am not sure if I should change anything, and cannot see if it is effective, and I assume it only changes anything in tif, so I want to get the flow right, be fairly simple, but get the best out of it, I may be asking a lot though.