Empty Aphid


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Hi all,

I found an Aphid .. well the body/shell of... could this be a parasitic wasp that's done this? Dosen't appear fungus like.

First image with the 25mm 2.5-5x Loawa macro lens, need to rig up some lighting for it now.
Shot handheld at 5x zoom, no crop and no edit as I'm on tablet, just wanted to share/ask.

Thanks for looking :)

by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr
Great detail Gav :)
I'm betting its a shed skin, not a dead one though.

Aphids moult four times before reaching adulthood.
It's the remains of an aphid, it's body attached to a podium created by a braconid wasp. This tiny parasitic wasp finds a target host and deposits an egg inside it. This egg will be dormant until the host is big enough for the larva to hatch and then the wasp larva feeds on the insides of said host.

It's the remains of an aphid, it's body attached to a podium created by a braconid wasp. This tiny parasitic wasp finds a target host and deposits an egg inside it. This egg will be dormant until the host is big enough for the larva to hatch and then the wasp larva feeds on the insides of said host.

Every day's a school day :)
It's the remains of an aphid, it's body attached to a podium created by a braconid wasp. This tiny parasitic wasp finds a target host and deposits an egg inside it. This egg will be dormant until the host is big enough for the larva to hatch and then the wasp larva feeds on the insides of said host.


This is an amazing book about wasps I think I read it twice last year
I did think shed skin until I got down and noticed the cocoon type webbing underneth,
I agree, I should have taken more notice of that.
Sorry if that came across like I was being an a**e,
Not at all Gav, I never took it that way, I was admitting to being a bit of a donut :D
Interesting shot.
I have shot the same and similiar before