entry level dslr's how long did you keep yours

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as above just wondering how long everyone kept there entry level cameras before upgrading to a better one
About 6 years and counting for my 350D. We'll be together until one of us snuffs it.
About 9 months. But I had served a long film apprenticeship.
About 18 months here too. Canon 350d, my Grandaughter has it now for her GSCEs and A levels.
My first, and only, DSLR is a 30D, which may not qualify as entry level, but it's ageing now and a lot of people would probably consider it due for an upgrade.

The camera does everything I want/expect, and I've no intention of replacing it unless it fails to the point where it's not cost effective to repair. Not sure if I would buy another DSLR then. I might revert to my film cameras, and stick to a compact for digital.
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It all depends on how much money you've got.

Does getting a more expensive camera make you a better photographer? (better kit still the same person using it).

A good photographer can take shots out of a black box with a pinhole in it, LOL.
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It all depends on how much money you've got.

Does getting a more expensive camera make you a better photographer? (better kit still the same person using it).

A good photographer can take shots out of a black box with a pinhole in it, LOL.

I upgraded mine because I found it was beginning to limit what I wanted to shoot, low light, high iso, noise reduction etc etc. So no it doesn't make you a better photographer but it can give you more opportunities to shoot.
D60, about 18 months then it was stolen with all my lenses and other bits :-/ I expect I would have kept it for at least 3ish years before upgrading, as my other half would not be amused with an upgrade sooner than that. Although I may have kept it longer if I spent the cash on glass :)

Now have a D5100, which is so much better than a D60. Currently saving for new glass :)
I've just put my 300D up in the classifieds , but i havent used it seriously since i got a 20D in 2005 (i'm currently using a 40D with the 20D as back up)
Is there such a thing as an entry level camera??
Anyway my first digital single lens reflex was my E500 i haven't really used that since getting my E3 but won't sell it, im just plucking up enough courage to open it up and convert to an infrared camera.
il change it this two first dslr

i had my olympus e410 for about 8months
I've added to my lens collection rather than replace my camera. I've had my Canon 1000d since Jan 2009 & it still serves my needs as a light user.
Is there such a thing as an entry level camera??
Anyway my first digital single lens reflex was my E500 i haven't really used that since getting my E3 but won't sell it, im just plucking up enough courage to open it up and convert to an infrared camera.

well to me entry level is afordable to see if i like it enough to throw abit of money at it ive had point and shoots and then i wanted to have abit more input to be able to create images the way i want

ive got a pentax k100d super which is a 6.1 mp dslr and i got that with 3 lens and some memory cards ect for £250 odd but now im gettin into it more i think i will have to upgrade im really stuck for low light situations but there doesnt seem to be alot of glass for the k100d ive had this camera for about 7 or 8 months now and ive learnt a great deal and produced some good images of general stuff and my kids ect
I too have a 350D bought in 2006, it does all I ask from it, I shall keep it until it fails.

I've had my d3100 for just under a year now, not planning on upgrading yet been spending money on lenses instead. Love the images I get out of the camera but if I could change one thing and will probably be my main reason for upgrading when I do, is like more dedicated buttons rather than having to delve into the menus so much.
I had my D60 for about a year, then found a passion for low light stuff (mainly live music in dingy clubs), so upgraded to a D700.
I still have mine as my main and only camera (Nikon D3100 purchased in June 2011) and I love it but I have felt it is time to upgrade and I'm now looking at Nikon D7000 but not sure if I can afford to upgrade the body and buy a battery grip and three spare batteries (plus clothes and everything else) in time for my safari.
SThornton said:
I still have mine as my main and only camera (Nikon D3100 purchased in June 2011) and I love it but I have felt it is time to upgrade and I'm now looking at Nikon D7000 but not sure if I can afford to upgrade the body and buy a battery grip and three spare batteries (plus clothes and everything else) in time for my safari.

You don't need the Nikon battery - rechargeable AA is just as good!
Phil Young said:
You don't need the Nikon battery - rechargeable AA is just as good!

Don't really want to have to cart around a load of AA's tbh and knowing me, they'd run out at a crucial moment and I'd fumble with them and miss everything! LMAO
Im feeling a bit left out.
Ive had my Canon 1000D for about 14 months now.

If I wanted to upgrade, what would be the next level?
Grape7 said:
Im feeling a bit left out.
Ive had my Canon 1000D for about 14 months now.

If I wanted to upgrade, what would be the next level?

Nikon! Hehe :)

Only joking, don't want to start a war.
Started with a reconditioned 40D, it's still my only DSLR..

It's generally easier to learn with "better" camera from any manufacturers range, the entry-level models all seem to have crippled user interfaces designed to push the user towards the automatic modes - at least on every one I've had the opportunity to use.
2 years for my 450D and then moved to a 50D. Probably going to be another couple of years saving up but I really want a 7D already!
I had my 550D for around 9 months, then got a 7D and 5D2 combo and let the wife have the 550D to play with. Though about 4 months later I sold the 7D and 5D2 and got a 5D3 and then used the 550D as backup again.
Then after a few confusing shoots trying to remember how the 550D worked without a top screen to look at I got a 60D instead and the wife got the 550D back.
Then it was her turn for an upgrade when the 650D came out and with 4 bodies between 2 of us I decided to sell the 550D after aeound 20 months of ownership. I did put it to good use though, I used the money from the 550D and a 70-200 2.8 MkI and got a 70-200 2.8 MkII.
Bought my d5000 after an insurance claim but sold it after 5 months purely because I couldn't be arsed with trying to navigate the menus every time I wanted to change basic settings. I upgraded to a D7000 and I really do appreciate the extra button controls but unfortunately there still no auto compose so my images are still crap!
Bought a refurbed 550D back in March this year, jumped ship and bought a brand new Nikon D5100 in July and I'm already thinking about a D7000 Hahaha
A year or so (Nikon D50)

I still maintain that of all the Nikon & Canon DSLR's I've had that 'on auto' it churned out the best pre-set pics of any camera I've owned.