eos 50

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whats it like, how does it compare to an eos 650 feels better built more dials ect

just borrowed one from the darkroom as my practica appears to be dead (will start thread to ask about it d'recly) as my 650 has a flat battery so I could swap batteries or I could use eos 50 for now

what do people think?
pretty much same as current digital Canon EOS range... the ranges / levelss are denoted by the number of digits. Each level is pretty well targeted to its audience, and non-the-worse for it.

Single Digit - Pro (or near) quality
Double Digit - Semi-Pro / Keen Enthusiast
Triple Digit - Enthusiast
4 digit - entry level

Personally if it was just for a couple of rolls of film, i'd rob the batteries and shoot with the one you know (and know that it works - it's not that instant "theres something wrong!" that you get with digital). If it was going to be for a few weeks then i'd be tempted to use the higher-end camera and spend the time needed to familiarise yourself with how it works.
I've got a 50e, not sure how it compares to the 650 but I love it. As far as film cameras go it's easy to use and you have a lot of manual control and the film is usually nicely exposed (if my technique is right)
been playing today, just 5 frames and its very nice

it has v similar controls to my 50d and just feels right in the hand