Episyrphus balteatus, Hoverfly

Super shot Mark with fine detail, can I ask what you took this with please?
Thanks Alby, of course, it was a Nikon D7100, Sigma 150 f2.8 macro, hand held so the settings look a bit odd but gave me the image I could process in Photoshop - ISO640, 1/200sec, F10 - I recall lying flat out on the grass, it had just rained, and the Hover was on a low growing bamboo leaf.
Thanks Alby, of course, it was a Nikon D7100, Sigma 150 f2.8 macro, hand held so the settings look a bit odd but gave me the image I could process in Photoshop - ISO640, 1/200sec, F10 - I recall lying flat out on the grass, it had just rained, and the Hover was on a low growing bamboo leaf.
Thanks Mark ;)
Very nice.