Faulty Olympus Pen EPL8

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My Oly Pen EPL8 has a fault with the Sd Card slot. It won’t latch down or spring up. I think there must be a spring latch inside which has failed.
The card won’t read and comes up with error.
Does anyone know if this is fixable? I’ve only had the camera a few months but bought it second hand.
I bought it second hand so not sure if it’s age but it’s definitely older than warranty age .
I think what Gramps is asking is: "did you buy it from a dealer and is there a warranty that still covers it?"
Ah, I saw the link to MPB but now I realise that it's just a skim-link so not what you intended.
Nevertheless worth checking if there is any comeback. :)
I bought it off Marketplace locally. Ive decided to claim on my insurance as it was a genuine accident at RIAT airshow, where i was bumped into, .and that is why i have insurance.
I am covered by Eversure.
On the claim for, it is asking for a claim value. I think the policy is new for old so i'm stuck if i claim for the price i paid for the camera (I wont find another at that price-it was a bargain), or do i quote a new for old price? Obviously they dont make the E-pl8 anymore.
Its a minefield.
MPB have used stock that you can use for pricing if you don’t want a different camera.