film for a Zenit E?

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I've been running bog standard Tesco asa 200 film through my Zenit, and it seems to come out OK, but as I'm very new to film (only ever had compacts and have been digital since I was about 17), I wondered if there's anything else I should be using/experimenting with to get different effects?

a friend of mine has raved about various types of Fuji films, but the manual that came with the zenit says not to use fuji film as it can get stuck... so just wondered if anyone had any suggestions :D

much appreciated!

you can use any film in a camera as long as its the correct size, ie 35mm for you zenit try some other makes ,some of them give better results than the bog standard tesco,s own. fuji is good (y) although ive been digital for about 5 years so havnt used film for a while have fun expeimenting
You will learn more about photography, using your Zenit E, than you would using a more modern film SLR. e.g. canon EOS 500.
Any make of film will be fine.
Another thought....If you ever plan on using slide film, check that the meter is accurate first. They tend to lose their sensitivity and therefore accuracy with age.