Film for my hols question

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need some help!

Tis holiday time soon and I'm off to cyprus in a couple of weeks, I'm not taking my digital kit only film. Prob my 6x6 Ikon and EOS 100 (or pos my EOS 3 but bit worried about taking it?) + nifty.

Just can't make my mind up about what film to take. It's going to be very sunny, so could i get away with 100 iso and hand hold with out having it wide open? or would it be better with 200? ...or 160 if i take some fuji pro.

Then should i take slide or print film?...

some many to think about!

some on my list are:

Kodak VC 160 £3.49
Kodak Elite chrome EBX 100 £2.59
Velvia 100 (120) £3.15
Kodak Ektar (120) £2.99

should I take some 400 or evenings?

can anyone help me pick?
If I was going on this trip, I would just take Ektar 100 (and possibly some FP4+).
