Film in hand-luggage when flying.

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Just wondering, do you film guys take your films out of your hand baggage before it's scanned and request a hand search, or just put it through the scanner?
from memory the general concensus is low iso (sub iso800) film is fine to be scanned by the hand luggage xray scanners. but you can simply ask to be hand checked instead, most are quite obliging although some are not quite so nce.

a lot of the films info docs tell you whether they are airport xray safe or not - so try reading the info docs (sites like generally have a PDF info doc onmost types of film)
wrap em in your tin foil hat...:D

I only really worry about really fast film like 3200 through an x-ray machine, and that's despite shooting 3 year oodate x-rayed twice 3200, that processed just fine after a month on the road..:shrug:
Essentially the concensus of opinion is it doesn't matter, unless it is going through 3rd world high powered scanners multiple times
I had a variety of neg/slide/b&w/colour ranging from 50 to 800 speed in my hand-luggage and some in my suitcase on a recent trip to Cuba, their equipment is not the most up to date and had no problems with either.
Went to Zante in July and had 3 rolls of Delta 400 in my hand baggage, went through the scanners in Manchester and Greece witout any problems.
Well I got my 3 rolls in the post this morning. It does say 'protect from xRay' on the box, but after what you've all said I'll leave them in the bag.

Cheers :)
when i went to paris i took a variety of 120 and 35mm films, all of them were fine when scanned, they checked my hand luggage then also put them through the scanner! :shrug:
I've got my first batch of films from my hols being processed right now... they went through the hand luggage scanner so i will let you know in about 30 mins!
I have a little bag somewhere for films going through x-rays - It came from Jessops and allegedly protects the contents - feels like a lead-line pencil case.

I have a little bag somewhere for films going through x-rays - It came from Jessops and allegedly protects the contents - feels like a lead-line pencil case.


Years ago I read that when the xray people come across a lead-lined bag they whack the power up to see through it. True or not I don't know.
My airline website does say that it's ok in handluggage but that I can request a hand search...they say if you put it in hold baggage it will destroy it :LOL: They have new scanners for hold baggage that's insanely powerful apparently.
In the past I've had film from iso 50 - 400 go through hand luggage scanners here, in Europe and in the USA with no problems. At UK airports you cannot request a hand inspection. Do not put film in checked luggage, the scanner output is higher and will damage the film.
Put film in you hand luggage, don't bother asking for a hand search, never yet managed to get one done.

In case you get pulled for deatiled search make it easy for them by putting film in a separate see through bag, take it out of the cardboard cartons so they can see what it is. Also try to have your cameras unloaded as I have been asked to open them and take lenses off etc

I took a trip to Australia some years ago and some of my 100asa Fujji silde film ended up going through 11 scanners, no visible affects on any of them.


Put film in you hand luggage, don't bother asking for a hand search, never yet managed to get one done.

In case you get pulled for deatiled search make it easy for them by putting film in a separate see through bag, take it out of the cardboard cartons so they can see what it is. Also try to have your cameras unloaded as I have been asked to open them and take lenses off etc

I took a trip to Australia some years ago and some of my 100asa Fujji silde film ended up going through 11 scanners, no visible affects on any of them.




they get a bit p*ssed of with films being passed by with little bags etc
i just put the lot through the scanner...all 100 asa fuji slide film

since i am a real amateur it didnt matter to me..and nothing seemed to go wrong
Essentially the concensus of opinion is it doesn't matter, unless it is going through 3rd world high powered scanners multiple times

B'ham airport killed my BW Ilford 400 ISO roll. They were looking at my kit for ages on the scanner.
No problems from the UK to Spain return, with Fuji superia 1600 asa.
I went on the Eurostar from London to Paris. Got it scanned there and back. I totally forgot about how the X-ray could mess with your film.

I was a bit worried about when I was coming back as the film had been exposed............but nope it's all good. That was a mixture of E6, C41, BW
Never had a problem with hand luggage or checked :shrug:

Must of been lucky when I packed them in the checked so in the future i'll pack it all in hand