Finally I've got one

You can call me Sir.
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After many failed attempts I finally one a Bronic SQA on ebay. It's a bit tatty, it's got a 220 back which isn't as ideal as a 120 back, the rubber eyecup has had it and the lens hood is for a different lens I think but for £111 plus £25 VAT and some postage I'm not complaining because it came with a metered prism and a speed grip.


I've got some Portra 400 loaded that's only 3 years past it's best and I'm gonna have some fun (probably to get it developed and find theres a light leak. But who cares, I'm so much more excited about this camera than the DSLR which is now going to be treated like a Polaroid to check my settings and nothing else if I can help it.

The foam on the mirror which I assume is to prevent light leaks is tatty too. Can this be repaired or are this still people who can service these things and make them good as new? It doesn't need to look good as long as it functions.
Kev, the foam on the mirror is more to do with mirror damping, noise, and vibration. If the mirror foam is looking shot at, it's pretty certain the camera body and mag back will want new seals too.

It's pretty easy and cheap to do the job yourself. I used one of Jon Goodman's kits which is cheap as chips and excellent quality. Jon trades on ebay as Interslice. The kit will include the right stuff to replace the mirror foam. Jon is a very helpful gent. I e-mailed him a question and he sent me a complete walk thru PDA file on replacing the seals in my RB67 ProS.

Don't be tempted to use any old foam - the correct thicknesses of foam at key points is essential. Have a read of these two articles by Jon.

Jon has generic instructions, but he also has specific instructions for many models of camera so it's well worth e-mailing him and asking.
Can this be repaired or are this still people who can service these things and make them good as new? It doesn't need to look good as long as it functions.
There are sure to be people who will undertake re-sealing your Bronny. In the case of my Mamiya, it's Johnson's Photopia who quoted me 150 quid ish to reseal the body and one mag back. They wouldn't be firm on the price either! To be fair the guy on the phone did say it was a job I could do myself.

Jon sends his kits to many camera repairers all over the world. ;)

To check for light leaks around the mirror when the mirror is up, open the shutter on the 'B' setting and shine a torch through the viewfinder in a darkened room. You shouldn't be able to see any torchlight looking through the lens.
No 'B' setting? :|

'T' setting maybe?
Stop it, stop it now. I've just bought a 120 back, I've got my eye on several pieces of glass I can't afford and now you're tempting me with this! I reckon I'd have to get a WLF to go with the winder though so it then gets quite a bit more expensive.

Cheers for pointing it out though, it's somthing I'd been considering and he has got 4 available so I might be lucky.
Kev - have a look aty the stocklist on - i've had very good service and prices from them on both my original ETR-Si kit and additional backs n lenses. In most cases they seem to be comparable on price to ebay auction items.
I'd forgotten about mxv. You're officially going to hell for reminding me. Too much temptation to spend my wages before I've got them. Sod the credit crunch, the wife can live off of toast for a couple of months.
How much for the WLF then mate?

it's a 80mm lens with a 105-150mm hood for some reason. Fits alright but doesn't latch on.
I think I saw a picture of it a while back. I don't want a pristine one, it'll make the rest of the outfit look even worse. I'll think about it mate, its a good price but I've spent a shed load already this month and I can't sneak much more past the wife!
but for £111 plus £25 VAT and some postage I'm not complainingQUOTE]

You should not be paying VAT on secondhand goods!

Incorrect. Imported goods are subject to vat even if used. They base it on the declared value - unless suspicions are aroused and they open it up and decide that it is worth something else. Earlier this year a friend bought something for his Pentax 67 off ebay for £80 - a lens I think. The seller for some reason put on the declaration a value of £250 and he was hit for over £40.