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I've finally managed to win a Bronica SQA on ebay and I'm well chuffed. Only thing is it comes with a 220 back and not a 120. I've not used 220 before and from what I've read on Wiki it can be tricky to work with. On one hand it seems quite handy getting twice as may photos on a roll but it doesn't seem to be too popular with retailers or developers. Is it worth persevering with or shoud I stick the back on ebay and buy a 120?
I've finally managed to win a Bronica SQA on ebay and I'm well chuffed. Only thing is it comes with a 220 back and not a 120. I've not used 220 before and from what I've read on Wiki it can be tricky to work with. On one hand it seems quite handy getting twice as may photos on a roll but it doesn't seem to be too popular with retailers or developers. Is it worth persevering with or shoud I stick the back on ebay and buy a 120?

No its not. It's just a little thinner than 120, but be carefull and you'll be fine. Because the extra shots are very handy. Give it a go. Great camera.
It's basically the same as 24exp and 36exp film in 35mm. The same but a longer roll. Thats it really.

Trying to find 220 film on the otherhand. Just had a quick little look on Silverprint. Only one film I found in 220 size. Kodak PORTRA 400VC
Cheers for the info chaps. It's the sandard 80mm lens I think, but t also comes with a speed grip which I might not use and a prism finder which is gonna come in handy.

Do I need to do anything differently to use 120 in the 220 back or is it straight forward?
:thinking:, I think, and I'm not sure about the SQ, that the 120 and 220 backs are the same, but the inserts are different.
The back "shell" will take both 120 & 220 inserts, but you can't put 120 film on a 220 insert, and vice versa.
My Mamiya 6 will take both, but the pressure plate has two positions, one for 120 and one for 220, you just turn it.
It changes the distance between lens and film plane, by fractions of nothing, because 220 is thinner than 120.
Thats why I think the carrier/insert is different on that SQ, for 120 &220 film.

*edit* found this -

INSERTS: All 120 and 220 inserts can be installed on any SQ roll film back (note: never put 120 film on a 220 insert, and vice versa).

its a gift, you've either got it or you haven't *polishes fingernails*
I think, and I'm not sure about the SQ, that the 120 and 220 backs are the same, but the inserts are different.

It's been a while but that sounds sorta right to me too.

For what it's worth, 120 or 220 film is all the same deal (as long as you can get some) but a prism finder has to be a big no no. For the full and real 6*6 experience is just has to be a waist level jobbie. :D

A quick edit to add that 120 and 220 film are the same and therefor the same thickness. The difference is that 220 has no backing paper, so needs to move that fraction of an inch. Which is how it gets to be twice as long and why some people don't like working with it as much. The leader paper that is attached to the film is just as long though so it's really not that different to work with if you use a little care.

Oh... and if you're processing it yourself, make sure you have a spool that will accommodate the extra length.
I'll be keeping an eye out for a waist level finder but not shooting from the hip will come in handy and I'm looking forward to the extra precision it'll give me over the TLR I'm using at the moment.
I've got a WLF but it's a bit worse for wear


Cool, I'll be in touch when the camera arrives, I really hope it sneaks itself through customs without being noticed.