weekly firewireguy 52 / 2024 Week 38 People

Fab shot :)
Our cat is on her last legs and drugged up on meds so she tolerates a cuddle now, which she previously never would have.

Oh, sorry to hear about you cat - she looks like one of ours. Nice picture.
Lovely shot, I'm sure you'll grow to treasure that in the future.
Oh, sorry to hear about you cat - she looks like one of ours. Nice picture.

Lovely shot, I'm sure you'll grow to treasure that in the future.

Awww, bless her. So cute too.

Yes, a nice shot that will be a nice memory to have in the future.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. She's still around and doing pretty well really considering the vet recommended she be put down about a month ago. Glad she's still here even if I have a severe cat allergy which means I take meds or I can't breath.
First week I've been late for. I've been busy and full of no ideas. Sadly our cat is no longer with us, but she did well considering the vet would have put her down about 7 weeks ago.

So this time it's my badger mug from 2003 and the wife's Eeyore mug from a similar time period. Both decaying out of this world eventually be plain mugs.

Due to some technical issues I've been ahrd pressed to get a shot for this week. So this will have to do for Week 25 Snappers Choice (Minimalist)


As for the cause of my issues. Well it turns out that some lenses on my FTZ will happily rotate the whole way around the mount. But only in one direction. So in taking off my 105mm Sigma it kept rotating past where it should and then wouldn't go back other than continuing on its way. This resulted in a bent aperture pin in the FTZ. So it couldn't open up any lens at all, they were stuck at their minimum aperture, so focussing didn't work and no one wants to use the smallest aperture very often.

So I got out the small screwdrivers and set to work. After a lot of fiddling and undoing bits of the FTZ that didn't need undoing I eventually got to the pin and with some pliars I managed to bend it back in to position just about. I don't know if it's spot on still. After re-assembling everything and it all seemingly OK I noticed that it still wouldn't open up the lenses fully wide. So another job with some pliars, this time a small tweak without disassembling everthing. And now I think it's all back and working.

This weeks photo is courtesy of taking some test shots in the garden.

And here is the pin in question with the pliar scratch marks on it

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Back on track with another test shot after the adapter surgery.

Week 26 - Nature Abstracts (Contrasty)

Decay.. interesting take on the theme.. and great you've still got the mugs.
Snappers... ticks the box. Have to say you're very brave with your repairs!
Abstract.. love this one. Great shot with some lovely detail and dof.
Decay.. interesting take on the theme.. and great you've still got the mugs.
Snappers... ticks the box. Have to say you're very brave with your repairs!
Abstract.. love this one. Great shot with some lovely detail and dof.
Thanks. I figured it was broken so I can't break it more, but I might be able to fix it. Have collected quite a few tiny and obscure screw drivers over the years which helps.
Week 27 - Light (Contrasty)

I found this weeks subject rather challenging, but liked the contrast and how the light lit up the plant here

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Very nice and contrasty

Agree with Paul, big difference between the stems and the head.

Good contrast and light and nicely composed.
Thanks all. I darkened the stems in post to add to the contrast. There's something that bugs be about that photo. I'm not sure exactly what it is, maybe its the colours, I feel it could be better, but I dunno how. Chalk it up as a learning oportunity.
Very nice - I do like the high, wispy ones (Cirrus?).
Thank you, Boots. I should have paid more attention in geography lessons - I have no idea!
Love the merge from the yellow to blue
Thanks Bob. Has a little bit of an enhancement to bring that out without going too over the top.
Like the higher clouds and the contrasting colours
Thank you, nog.
Beautiful clouds and great colour capture.
Thanks HelenC
What's more summery than trampoline football on a sunny day with washing hanging on the line?

Well, maybe the trampoline waterbaloon fight that happened later - but I didn't get a good shot of that.
My first choice:

And a close second:
Thanks all. I darkened the stems in post to add to the contrast. There's something that bugs be about that photo. I'm not sure exactly what it is, maybe its the colours, I feel it could be better, but I dunno how. Chalk it up as a learning oportunity.
I think it works well. The stark contract and the thin stems holding everything up gives it tension
What's more summery than trampoline football on a sunny day with washing hanging on the line?

Well, maybe the trampoline waterbaloon fight that happened later - but I didn't get a good shot of that.
My first choice:

And a close second:
I like the colours and the line in the second shot