weekly firewireguy 52 / 2024 Week 38 People

Week 1 - Close to Home.
Technique - SOOC

shot with Z6, 50mm 1.8 G @ 1/30, f/3.2, ISO 2000. Straight from camera using the built in Monochrome picture control in the camera.


My little piece of home where my odds and sods of guitar pedals, photography and running tech live.
I like it. I may try the built in mono on my Zf :)
A good start, I wasn’t aware cameras had built in monochrome settings. You learn something new everyday.
A good start, I wasn’t aware cameras had built in monochrome settings. You learn something new everyday.
I only learned of it recently. I knew of Standard, Portrait, Landscape, but when exploring my new Z6 I found it. And then later on found out that the list scrolls a lot longer and there's all sorts of stuff it can do. In camera jpeg creation is always and will always be applying some preset edits and curves to a raw image. So how good your camera can do that to create nice SOOC shots is handy, but shooting raw you could have got there anyway with doing your own edits on the computer. I have really enjoyed moving from a D50, to D2H to D300 to D7100 to Z6 as each new camera made the edits needed a lot smaller and saved me a lot of time. I loved the D2H, but it was a lot of work to do anything with the photos as it's jpegs and default raw presets weren't the best
I like this one. My OCD would probably have removed the picture on the LH side for the shot. It did make me smile. Techy guitar stuff, techy camera stuff... and a duck. Yep. Makes total sense :)
The mono works really well for this - although do agree with moving the pic from the left for more symmetry possibly
A good tech collection. Works very well in mono. I would imagine it would be a bit busy in colour.
That's some bend! I hope you're not using SRV gauge strings :)
I like the storage area for your bits and bobs, good use of the B&W SOOC and it reminds me I need some switch cleaner as I have a scratchy volume pot.

The hard image was actually something I was looking to do, well similar sort of thing but without those bends, might have to have a rethink now.

Well done on the B&W image as well, you seem to have a liking for them.
I like the storage area for your bits and bobs, good use of the B&W SOOC and it reminds me I need some switch cleaner as I have a scratchy volume pot.

The hard image was actually something I was looking to do, well similar sort of thing but without those bends, might have to have a rethink now.

Well done on the B&W image as well, you seem to have a liking for them.
Scratchy pots are such a pain but I'm thinking that spray can should outlast me.

I originally thought to finger a really difficult chord or a big stretch, but thought this was a it better as I don't have very stretchy hands.

B&W just makes everything better, usually. And I'm a big fan of what the Z6 monochrome setting comes out like. Plus there's far too many colours in that room, it just overwhelms and B&W treatment calms it all down.
My selfies with a guitar are always awful so well done!
Week 03 - Soft

A really nice blanket we have. Very soft and cosy in the winter.


Z6, 1/80, f/5, ISO 1000. Processed in PhotoLab
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An alternative image I took. Managed to increase the exposure almost 2.5 stops without blowing it.

Yep - need those right now with Storm Isha blowing!
The last of the lovely and soft Christmas cake. It was delicious but I seemed to be the only one eating it this year so it took me a while to finish.

Well I went to two different beaches yesterday and came back with a bunch of water photos I quite like.

All with my Z6 and 50mm 1.8G.






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I like your chosen shot, but I'm always a sucker for a beach / sunset / wet sand reflection, so it would be the last one for me. I would crop it down to exclude the sun itself.
The one you submitted is the one for me! The motion of the water hitting the debris and just reaching the top just before it rolls over is excellent!
The one you submitted is the one for me! The motion of the water hitting the debris and just reaching the top just before it rolls over is excellent!
I was there for ages waiting for that shot to happen. Damn my silly knees.
Good set - and for me you chose the right one.
The chosen shot was impressively timed with the foam swelling up over the debris, but I think I like the last one more, it's just prettier!
Great set, I looked at this thread before seeing your chosen shot and scrolling through I thought that foamy debris one was the one I would have picked. Well composed and its got great foreground interest to match the lovely coloured sky. As said last one is really nice too.