First attempt with the new camera gear

Edit My Images
Hey guys, recently bought a Canon 90D, came with the 18-135 IS kit lens and i bought the 100mm 2.8 L Canon Macro lens, managed to capture the bee in the flowers the other evening. Still have a lot to learn to be any where near the standards of some of you guys, your photos are awesome, to the point i was contemplating not posting this, but i also realise i won't get any better without feedback :) so here goes, any and all feedback welcome, i haven't done a lot of processing in photoshop, and looking at some of the other photos, i wonder if mine need some tweaks to make them stand out more.

Thanks for looking :)


I'm no expert re Macro images , These look good to me , Well done .
Maybe a small amount of fill in flash
Macro is incredibly difficult and requires a lot of practice, mainly due to small DOF or focal plane available.
However the above images a pretty good for first attempt.

You can also use the 100L f2.8 IS USM lens for portraits by clicking the distance switch to max distance
And you will get used to seeing the rear end of bees on flowers!

They are not very obliging ;)
Thanks guys, I only have the built in flash at the moment, would that be ok or better to invest in one? I’ve been trying to take the photos at different F stops, then seeing which ones are best on the computer. I’ve read about focus bracketing / stacking but haven’t tried that, I have found the setting on the camera so might give that a go soon. Thanks again.
Use the built in flash for the moment, (better than no flash) take the lens hood off if you have one fitted. Best to invest if you want 'better' images ;)
Use the built in flash for the moment, (better than no flash) take the lens hood off if you have one fitted. Best to invest if you want 'better' images ;)
thank you, I was using the hood for these, I’ll keep an eye out for some more opportunities and see how I get on
Yes Mark, the hood can obstruct the flash light so better with it out of the way. If you upgrade at some point to a macro flash, it will most likely fit on the end of the lens anyhow.
Not a bad start at all.

A couple of comments, just because the allowed size is 1024px you don't have to post at that size.
Some people do crop in to that size, which can make it noisy and distorted.

I'm not sure if you have editing software, but a lot of detail can be recovered.
As you have the edit ticked,
2 mins in photshop, levels & sharpening.

edited to add, I missed the fact that you do have PS.
The final image can be just as much about the image as post processing.

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Not a bad start at all.

A couple of comments, just because the allowed size is 1024px you don't have to post at that size.
Some people do crop in to that size, which can make it noisy and distorted.

I'm not sure if you have editing software, but a lot of detail can be recovered.
As you have the edit ticked,
2 mins in photshop, levels & sharpening.

edited to add, I missed the fact that you do have PS.
The final image can be just as much about the image as post processing.

View attachment 360766
Thank you Cobra, I cropped the image from the full res one, then resized to 1200 pixels wide (for websites I was always under the impression this was best) then upload them. I have access to Adobe creative cloud through work, so I can use photoshop and lightroom as needed.
Thanks for editing the photo, looks very good and changes it completely, I’ll have a play with the original. Would you recommend posting the higher resolution one In future?
TP rules for image size, 1024px on the longest side and if its an attachment no more than 500kbs or it won't upload.

Would you recommend posting the higher resolution one In future?
What I was saying was, you don't have to post as large as possible as it can degrade the image.
Although I see that these are only 66kb.
So yes post them at a higher res next time, staying within the boundaries as above of course.