First Damselfly of the year for me

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One from our local Nature Reserve. The Damsels and Dragons always seems to start appearing a few weeks later than other local sites. It's a deep lake so I'm not sure if it takes a bit longer for the water temperature to increase sufficiently for them to start to emerge. Not sure on Id on this one despite looking it up... Thinking it might be an immature female blue-tailed (but happy to be corrected). The end of the tail was bulbous, but there wasn't any different colouration to it. Taken in the early evening with a 105mm macro, it let me get pretty close!

Orange Damselfly - not sure on Id by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr
I think this is Ischnura elegans (Blue-tailed) - at least I can't think of another one that has this heavy black stripe across the top of the thorax with virtually no markings on the sides and the head markings are also right for this species.
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I think this is Ischnura elegans (Blue-tailed) - at least I can't think of another one that has this heavy black stripe across the top of the thorax with virtually no markings on the sides and the head markings are also right for this species.

Thanks Stuart - always good to try and learn more about these fascinating creatures :)