First go POLO


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KIPAX Lancashire UK
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Cheshire POLO Club. I checked in advance if OK to photo and they said yes. I was surprised to see how many photogrpahers there where all doing same as me..Just out for the day :)

Its a large playing are and I only had 300mm but patience and they do come towards you :)






Great pics.

Is this the one next to Oulton Park?

I've looked at it everytime I've visitted Oulton with a view to paying it a visit, but there never seemed to be anything going on.
Great pics.

Is this the one next to Oulton Park?

I've looked at it everytime I've visitted Oulton with a view to paying it a visit, but there never seemed to be anything going on.

yes thats the one and apparently every sat and sun until sep.. all new to me but thats what I ahve learnt
Great stuff.

Were the sticks/clubs/whatever they are called actually bending like that? Or was is an electronic shutter effect?
Great stuff.

Were the sticks/clubs/whatever they are called actually bending like that? Or was is an electronic shutter effect?
dslr and i am not sure of the effect.. have seen the same thing with ice hockey. both are unbendable objects but as i say dslr .. its a question that does need answering :)
As I would expect from you a great set of images.
Only in the last 12 months I was speaking to some togs who also go to Cheshire Polo and my though was how strange you'll be miles away and what sort of pic will you get. Having seeing these I can now understand, and certainly worth the trip.