First Home Developed Shots


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A while ago, I took up the kind offer of a free developing tank from Joxby. Seeing as I also live pretty near to the Rhubarb Triangle, not only did he drop off the tank for me, he also kindly donated a starter kit of Dev and Fix as well! I promised they wouldn't go to waste, and as soon as i'd got a spare couple of hours I'd run a roll through the EOS5 and give it a go. Well - over the weekend I managed to grab a few shots, and the last couple of rainy days has seen me experimenting.

Anyway - just so you know I wasn't a time waster, or looking for something to Ebay, I thought I'd drop a couple of shots on here. Not exactly astounding photo's to be honest, I kind of didn't give them the attention they deserved, as I was convinced they'd never come out:LOL:

There may be more, once I get to scan a few more of the negs, but the slide scanner i've got on loan from a mate clashes horribly with another USB device on the computer and I'm managing something like 3-4 images beween blue-screen-of-death's atm.:bonk:

So - to sum up - Big thanks to Joxby, and to anyone else i've bugged with inane questions in my preparation for trying this out!
Well done Big Yin..(y)

The second one looks fine in all respects, dunno about the first one, are they from the same roll ?
They're both from the start of the same roll... I can see some detail in the shadowed doorway on the neg's using the loupe, so it could well be the cheap nasty scanner not pulling anything out.

Now I know I can make it happen, next roll will be a bit more considered shots. This one was more the result of a flying half hour togging en route to the Asda :LOL:
Managed to scan in another few images - think i've identified what the scanner's disagreeing with now - unfortunately it's the TV Tuner card PCI card that it's not happy with and i'm damned if i'm opening the case and unplugging that every time I want a scan. Guess it's time to save up for a better scanner!

Anyway - a few more piccies...

Very nice shots, film just seems to have something over digital.
Don't get me wrong, I love my gadgets just like the next person but there is so much detail in film, it's a bit like the argument between vinyl and CDs.

Well done matey (y), keep up the good work, I can't wait to get my scanner, I have masses and masses of negatives building up now.

Cools shots.

Need to have a go myself at some point, got the chems and tank....

Definitely give it a go - if I could do it, anyone can. As I said above, to be honest, I just ran a roll of shots off fairly quickly as I wasn't sure i'd get things right, and i'd have been mortified if i'd have stuffed up a bunch of shots that were more considered or not capable of being re-shot easily (the castle is a couple of miles away from where I live, and I pass the end of the road at least once a week!) So, the pictures aren't really anything special, but more of "proof of concept" that even someone like me with fingers of butter and fists of ham can manage to get something useable out of the tank.

Very nice shots, film just seems to have something over digital.
Don't get me wrong, I love my gadgets just like the next person but there is so much detail in film, it's a bit like the argument between vinyl and CDs.

Well done matey (y), keep up the good work, I can't wait to get my scanner, I have masses and masses of negatives building up now.

Yep, film definitely has a certain something - don't get me started on vinyl vs CD - the Linn Sondek LP12 and assorted black boxes from Naim Electronics are a testament to my past obsession with analogue HiFi (something akin to sitting in the corner of a room burning Fivers!)
Really like the 1st one of the 2nd set - not bad for a cheap scanner, but that's probably because it's just a really good photo (y)
Really like the 1st one of the 2nd set - not bad for a cheap scanner, but that's probably because it's just a really good photo (y)

:ty: To be honest, I reckoned that was probably the best of a mediocre bunch of shots, certainly in comparison to some of the stuff posted in the flim section on here!

The scanner really is a PITA though - so it's definitely looking like more expenditure on my own scanner, before the borrowed one gets thrown out of the window :bang: