First Hover ..


Brian Cox
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Of the year. I'm not sure what kind, but I have virtually no insect knowledge...

Both shot with the 55-250 and Raynox in bright sunlight


2) There's something doesn't quite seem right with this, but I can't work it out... It's not the front legs... it was rubbing them together at the time.

It then decided to go settle on the far side of the pond, too far out of reach and no way to get at it...

Thanks for looking C&C please.
Thank you both
Helophilus pendulas or the Sunfly, always find these near a pond on lily leaves John? super shot and a cracker for your first Hover (y)
Thanks for the ID Alby... Near the pond indeed. Not the first as such, just the first this year...

Here's my first one that was actually in focus :D... I shot about 200 or 300 to get it mind..

Great shots John. Good detail in them all.
The last one is fantastic!! It's really difficult to get these in flight (or at least it is for me!!), even when they are hovering!! The only thing I'd say is that it would probably look even better with maybe a flower, or something, in the frame.
Great shots John. Good detail in them all.
The last one is fantastic!! It's really difficult to get these in flight (or at least it is for me!!), even when they are hovering!! The only thing I'd say is that it would probably look even better with maybe a flower, or something, in the frame.

Thanks very much Simon. I was still learning my way around the camera when I shot that :D and was to busy trying to actually get one in focu the background didn't even come to mind

Fantastic shots John, the last one added is stunning. Lovely colours and beautifully in focus - I love it!

Thanks very much Sara, the 55-250 is a stunning lens for the money (y)
Very nice in flight John, fun trying to get in flight shots and frustrating at the same time, I haven't done any in flights for a while but will be giving them a go soon I reckon.

I especially like the one in flight too!
Presume this was with the raynox as well? Is it the 250 you are using or something different?
Great shots! but the one in flight is even better (y)
Great find John and the flying one is cracking too (y) The flying one looks like a marmalade hoverfly (the most common one I think).....think it's the only one like that with the paired stripes on the back...the thin black stripe looks like a little moustache under the thick line I reckon :)
Thanks all...

Crazylady, The flying one was just the 55-250 @ 250mm, min focus distance and cropped, I didn't have the Raynox at the time. I very much doubt I'd have been able to get a shot with the Raynox, they didn't want me to get even as close as 1.1m (min focus distance on the 55-250).