First Image With Extension Tubes.

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I'm getting quite excited playing with these tubes, although the connection with the camera body could be better. Besides being quite stiff on the lens mount, I have to wiggle the tube a little bit
before the lens release button pops out properly.

Anyway. Our lass loves Bluebells so I thought that'd be the test shot using the 36 mm tube with the 18-55...She has better eye sight than I, and asked me if I'd noticed the two Greenfly!

Bluebell 36 EXT.jpg
Doesn't look to be in focus to me, could it be camera shake or is it actually 'soft'? Background is nicely blurred and suits the subject imho.
Doesn't look to be in focus to me, could it be camera shake or is it actually 'soft'? Background is nicely blurred and suits the subject imho.

Appreciate the comments Matt. I think there is a little camera shake, and admittedly, focusing isn't the easiest thing to do unless I get use to them. Aperture was F5.6, file info says shutter speed, 10/1000 sec. I was happy with the background, these Bluebells are very close to the kitchen wall, and laying on the floor there's really only one way to shoot from. I need more
plenty more practice:giggle:
Were you using a tripod?

No Terry, on my elbows sadly. It was just a quick shot having never used tubes before. I only managed a couple of frames and it started raining.
Hopefully tomorrow I can set the tripod up!