First location model photo shoot


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Had what I called my first location fashion shoot with my friend emma who is in the photo's. Didnt have as much time as I would have liked but got a few shots with lots of different processing and styles tried. Please feel free to comment.










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I certainly like the style of them, great model too!

Only thing is the focus on #2 seems a bit off. Might just be me...

(Oh, more photos loaded... #5 then, unless there's more? :p As it happens, #2 is a stunner!)

Great set though :)
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love number 2. it has a very 1940's film star quality if that makes sense.

I think it would be easier to comment if you numbered the photos ;)

no.1 is the best for me. I like the textured backdrop and the pose is strong (y)

no.4 is my fave.... well 1 and 4 are good. I like the use of the chair and again the pose is nice.

There are some that have been over cooked on the softening?? no.2 and no. 7 mainly.

but overall great set! nice variation and good ideas for composition too (y)
Yes have to agree with most others, great style and atmosphere in this set of photographs.

I just love #9.
A couple of the shots dont work for me...

#3, I find the lack of light a tad unflattering on her face in a couple of the shots and would like to have seen it lit a little more.
She looks so much older here, the sullen expression, and the pose that looks like you just caught her on the loo, also the light is strongest on her hands which grab me first,

#5, face looks a little too soft while the hands grab my attention again as theyre so sharp and contrasty.
Personally I dont think these 2 images work and they detract from a lovely set.
All jmho of course, and for a first location shoot I think you did great, and arent you just downright lucky to have a friend as stunning as that to play with.... can you tell Im jealous!

My faves are.....
#1 - very editorial and I love how contrasty it is.

#2 So beautifully feminine, I bet she loves this, adorable!

#9 Something is missing here and I dont quite know what because it has everthing I like... possibly the very sharp peeling paint close to her face combined with the lack of light in her eyes, Im not really sure ... perhaps a colour version?
Also, this image reminds me a little of one of my fave tog's work, if you havent seen it, check out Manuel Librodo (your model looks a little like his ( Kharunisia). The man is an inspiration!

Cant wait to see more from the two of you (y)
I like all of those shots, and any comments I might have would be very subjective and simply a matter of opinion. Good work. :)
Hi there :) great that you are doing this and i think you should be really proud of what you've done, i am going to make a few comments though incase its helpful for the future :)

ever-so-slightly too much shadow on the face, this could have been lightend up with a simple reflector
beautiful shot, lovely lighting, not sure on the focus but still very nice
too much shadow on the shoulder again could have been soften up, i reckon with a gold reflector because its best for the type of lighting used.
Nice idea but if the camera was panned round to the left slightly, it would have been more flattering on her eyes which are all black, love the shadow on the back of the chair.
again a reflector is your friend, this time just to remove the dark circle underneath the models eye on the darker side. Good focusing though i like how the eye is drawn to the hands.
again with the shadows, they just dont do if for me and a reflector would sort it right out, good effort though :)
Very nice shot
very nice shot, slightly over exposed on the arm but i like that :)
very unflattering, shadows dont work, i dont know how you would fix this one because i havent quite mastered against the wall shots yet :)
not a fan of the shadows, need more lighting possibly from above to combat the shadows created by her face.

Hope thats been helpful and not rude or anything :) i am just learning this whole model lighting studio thing too so its great to be able to constructively look at the photos - take care and keep up the good work - Fi x