First Shots from new camera

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I recently bought a Mamiya RZ67 Pro ii off ebay which was in great condition.

I decided to run a few films through it and then get them developed to see how I fared. Well, I have to say I was really really pleased with the results especially as I was a little nervous that I just wouldn't get decent results.

The First shot was taken with a flash coming through the door camera left which was on seeing this a bit hot. Another flash is camera right. I really like the DOF effect here but it's not so clear in this resized version

This next shot was a bit of an accident as I thought I'd loaded 400 ISO B&W film but had actually loaded 100 ASA slide film (doh!). So not know what to expect I decided to have the film cross-processed to see what the effect would be.


The third was straight ambient on a sunny day

Any comments?
It's a stunning bit of kit isn't it?

Great for building up your pecs too :)

Not usually a great fan of cross processing but #2 seems to have come out o.k.
Thanks sprog.

It is a great bit of kit - really built like a tank almost the same size! Although having walked around with it in my back-pack yesterday I don't think it's any heavier than a D200 + lenses + battery grip etc.

I'm not sure about the cross-processing either but then I don't think the photo is the best for it. I am pleased that it came out at all *** given the mistakes I made. All part of the learning process I guess.

The last two shots were taken using a light meter to assess the exposure. I wasn't using the crutch of a digital camera to get the exposure right - just went with the incidental light reading....and it worked. I'm not sure the exposures are perfect but, as a first go, it's fine for me. It all helps to give confidence in using the system when you don't have a "do it all" camera.
Nice shots with the Mamiya, but then I am a bit biased.

I do wish people would post these MF shots at 800 pixels longest side though. :thinking:
...just went with the incidental light reading....

I'm learning that it's a pretty accurate method 90% of the time, it's just a bit of a faff... but forces you to slow it down. I shot a roll of T64 the other night for the first time, it took me a couple of shots to spot something was wrong. Because I was rushing, I had connected the remote release cable backwards and was opening the shutter before the mirror, so god knows how they'll come out.
I had connected the remote release cable backwards and was opening the shutter before the mirror, so god knows how they'll come out.

Is that the Mamiya double cable release? I keep looking ouit for one but damn - they're expensive!
Yes it is. They're like hen's teeth aren't they, I managed to grab one a few months back off an old Pro photographer making the switch over to didgikal. As I recall, I paid about 40 quid for it.

Apart from remembering that the black one goes in the lens, there's no obvious indication of which goes where, unless you press the release to see which pokey-thing pops out first. Not ideal on a night shoot.
I can get by with two separate cable releases , but it's a bit of a pain in the bum.